Minimising the carbon footprint of a warehouse is an important consideration for companies striving to achieve net zero status and operate sustainably. One good option is to install a WMS – here are five examples of how a WMS helps reduce carbon emissions:

Operate with a smaller warehouse footprint

Using automation in the warehouse means you can typically use 30% less space than a conventional warehouse to store the same number of products – this means less energy for lighting and cooling.

Minimising handling reduces energy consumption

A WMS uses a resource management engine to take operators on the most efficient pick routes and eliminate any unnecessary, wasteful stages in a workflow. A great example of this is warehouse operators driving forklift trucks around a warehouse looking for an empty space to locate a pallet. A good WMS knows where the space is and will route the driver directly to that location immediately.

Reduce product and packaging waste

Advanced materials handling logic calculates the best way to pack and wrap a pallet. This reduces product damage and minimises the amount of wrapping needed to secure items.

Operational analysis for further refinements

Stored within a WMS is a mine of data that can help identify further opportunities to cut costs – maybe by re-organising a warehouse layout or spotting when power can be switched off during slow periods.

Removing paper from the warehouse

Using a WMS with mobile devices means operatives can be directed through workflows, which reduces the need for paper. It improves process efficiency because data is captured automatically, with a secure audit trail to keep goods fully visible throughout the supply chain.

Indigo Software has been optimising warehouses for over 40 years. Contact us to discover the many benefits that Indigo WMS can bring to your warehouse.


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