Established in 1998, Partner Logistics is a leading integrated logistics provider specialising in highly-automated frozen food warehouses. It operates six super-sized sites; two in the UK (of which one is the UK’s largest), three in the Netherlands (of which one is Europe’s largest) and one in Belgium.


Their European network of cold storage facilities has a combined storage capacity of 500,000 pallets and they manage more than 5.5 million pallet movements every year on behalf of leading names in the frozen food industry including Birds Eye, Lamb Weston and Pinguin.

For further information visit:

WLN – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?

The many varied people that I meet (the nice and, occasionally, the not so nice!).

WLN – Who inspired you most in your career?

My Father; he taught me that you are only as old as you feel, never as important.

WLN – If you were an item in a warehouse, what would you be?

A lovely bottle of Marlborough Estate Sauvignon Blanc.

WLN – What brought you to this industry?

The need to earn a living and the fresh daily challenges our industry brings.

WLN – If you have to do it all over again, what would you do different?

Listened more and arrived at where I am today a lot sooner.

WLN – What’s your favourite pastime?

Playing golf (not very well).

WLN – What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happen to you at work?

I was once in a meeting in The Boardroom and my seat broke! I was left sat on the floor with my chin on the edge of the table. They kept the broken piece in the trophy cabinet for years. I went on a diet.

WLN – Do you have any hidden talents?

I can play the bugle.

WLN – Who would be your favourite party guest?

Barry Cryer, one of the most interesting people that I have ever met, very intelligent and funny.

WLN – What is the greatest luxury in your life?

Three overseas holidays a year.

WLN – If you won the Lottery what would you do?

I would love to be in a position to give a sizeable donation to my local charity-run youth centre or any organisation giving assistance to the young of today. I would like to still work if possible but maybe only three days per week. The rest of my time would be spent with my family.

WLN – Who or what makes you laugh?

Every time I ask my partner “Is that a new dress?” and she says, “No, I’ve had it in the wardrobe for ages and only just decided to wear it!”

WLN – Do you have any secret ambitions?

No secret ambitions really, but just to be a better person today than I was yesterday.

WLN – What’s your favourite holiday destination?

The Greek island of Thassos.

WLN – What’s your favourite music album?

The Isley Brothers Greatest Hits.

WLN – What is your favourite movie of all time?

Spring & Port Wine, starring James Mason (1970) mainly because it reminds me of my childhood.

WLN – What is your favourite book of all time?

The Silver Sword by Ian Serraillier. This was the first book that I ever read and discovered how to lose yourself in a book.

WLN – Who or what do you detest the most?

NIMBY’s, people who want everything as long as they are not disturbed but can enjoy the benefits.

WLN – What would be your advice be to someone thinking about coming into the industry (apart from don’t do it?)

Listen for twice as long as you speak and take as many training courses that are relevant to the object of your ambitions.

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