What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
I absolutely love working with colleagues from different departments and all of our customers to create bespoke warehousing solutions. From the initial point of contact through brainstorming and solution design, to the implementation and final delivery – every moment of their journey is exciting and it’s great to have a role in that.
Who has inspired you most in your career?
I’m inspired by all sorts of people around me. I truly believe every day is a school day and sometimes you learn the best lessons and gain the biggest motivations from a single interaction. This can be during a normal office day within the company, the industry or within my circle of friends and family.
If you were an item in a warehouse, what would you be?
I’d be a VNA truck – constantly reaching new heights and hardly ever sat in one place for long. Most importantly, to be approached with caution prior to my first coffee.
If you had your time again, what would you do different?
I wouldn’t necessarily do anything differently because I’m a firm believer that I am the person I am today because of my experiences over the years. If I had to change something, then I would have made the leap from finance into the logistics industry a little sooner – as that’s the path that has made my career.
What’s your favourite pastime?
Making memories with friends and family, with a tipple in hand.
Do you play a sport, follow a sport or support a team?
I’m a very loud and proud supporter of my local basketball team, Leicester Riders.
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened in your career?
I can’t recall any embarrassing moments really – however, perhaps 2024 is the year it’ll happen, so I’ll get back to you all on that one.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I’m the best singer I know, just ask my friends and colleagues, their ears are still bleeding.
Who would be your favourite party guest?
My favourite party guest would be the actor Kevin Hart. I’d also need to invite a qualified surgeon, because everyone would be in stitches.
If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
I’d go travelling for a year and then I’d buy a brand new estate with a dozen houses, so all of my favourite people could move in.
Who or what makes you laugh?
When I’m around my friends and family, we’re always laughing. Although, a lot of the time, I’m sure they’re laughing at me rather than with me.
What’s your dream holiday?
There are far too many places around the world I would still love to visit. At the top of the list would be a safari, as it’s always something I’ve wanted to do.
What’s your favourite music album?
Parachutes by Coldplay – no question about it.
What’s your favourite movie or Netflix series?
Like a lot of people I know, it has to be Friends. The comedy is timeless: you can watch it over and over and it literally never gets old.
What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into the industry (apart from “don’t do it”)?
My advice to anyone looking at logistics as a career would be to do it, and do it quickly, we need you! The sector is made up of a variety of roles, with great people who take on a lot of challenges to get goods where they need to be. There is a lot of fun and laughter in every single business area, from sales and customer service to operations – every area in the warehouse is critical. And every area is worth exploring.
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