What’s the most exciting thing about your job?

The most exciting thing for me is seeing a smooth running operation where the staff are enjoying themselves while ultimately creating a great customer experience.

Who has inspired you most in your career?

I would have to say my older brother, Dale, who is also a director at Exporta, he certainly doesn’t let me off with anything!

If you were an item in a warehouse, what would you be?

Interesting question, I’d say an open fronted picking bin.

If you had your time again, what would you do different?

For me, I would like to see more simplicity in processes. Exporta is a well run machine now and it’s taken many experiences to get the business to where it is now.

What’s your favourite pastime?

For me it’s definitely spending time outdoors with the kids.

Do you play a sport, follow a sport or support a team?

I’ve always enjoyed playing football, the Exporta branded footballs in the warehouse always create the temptation for a kick about!

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened in your career?

For me it was accidentally getting a very short haircut one weekend and then having to go and visit business colleagues the following week.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I’d have to say that’s for others to judge!

Who or what makes you laugh?

That’s easy, my little 2 year old boy when he’s trying to copy his older sisters in everything they do.

What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into the industry (apart from “don’t do it”)?

That’s simple. Keep focused. As long as your focused, you can ensure your business has a smooth operational process.

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