Since its inception in 1937, SSI SCHAEFER has been an owner-operated, German family company. With over 50 subsidiaries worldwide, SSI SCHAEFER is a strong and reliable partner.


Whether in industry, trade, commerce or public organisations, our products are in use on all continents and fulfil your tasks efficiently and competently.

WLN – What brought you to this industry?

It was a natural progression through previous logistics and distribution centre management roles which I fell into by accident in my early 20s. The industry is part of a family tradition as both my mother and father worked in freight forwarding on an international scale.

WLN – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?

Meeting a wide variety of, and similar minded, people in the industry.

WLN – Who inspired you most in your career?

The first person was a guy called John Hannah who was my first boss at Brantford International. I admired his depth of knowledge and the way he dealt with challenges. He possessed great business acumen.

WLN – If you were an item in a warehouse, what would you be?

The warehouse management system of course – it runs the whole thing.

WLN – If you have to do it all over again, what would you do different?

I would probably look at studying for a degree in Logistics. That wasn’t possible then but I would have liked to have started my career better equipped for Logistics, although I learned a lot by following the freight forwarding and engineering/manufacturing route into the industry.

WLN – What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happen to you at work?

Giving my boss the totally wrong brief prior to a potential customer site visit.

WLN – Who or what makes you laugh?

My favourite stand-up comedian is John Bishop.

WLN – Do you have any hidden talents?

Yes and they remain hidden – so much so I am still trying to find them!

WLN – Who would be your favourite party guest?

Ralph Fiennes – I saw him at a recent conference. I found him funnier than the after-dinner comedian at the same event.

WLN – What is the greatest luxury in your life?

A get away from it all holiday.

WLN – Do you have any secret ambitions?

To at least make it to the foothills of Everest – not to climb it but to go to Nepal.

WLN – What’s your dream holiday destination?

Maldives. In reach for so many these days so I’ll surely get there sometime.

WLN – What’s your favourite music album?

Caravanserai by Santana.

WLN – What is your favourite movie of all time?

“It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” a comedy with Spencer Tracy and Phil Silvers (1963)

WLN – What is your favourite book of all time?

“The Fearful Void” by Geoffrey Moorhouse – an account of his 1973 attempt to cross the Sahara Desert west to east by camel.

WLN – What’s your favourite pastime?

Birding. I have been interested in birds since the age of four and I write optics & equipment reviews for Birdwatch magazine in my spare time.

WLN – If you won the Lottery what would you do?

What again? I spent the last win already. Quite a few years ago now 5 numbers of mine came up on the Wednesday Lottery and I won £1656. If I won a serious amount then I would probably retire (early), travel, drink fine wine and involve myself more in journalism and wildlife photography.

WLN – What would be your advice be to someone thinking about coming into the industry (apart from don’t do it?)

Keep doing the lottery!

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