Businesses could benefit from software that enables them to manage the movement of reusable packaging more efficiently.
The majority of existing supply chain software is not designed to track returnable assets through a modern distribution stream.
Maximising efficiency in the supply chain is an ongoing priority for every business today, but too many often overlook the part played by reusable packaging – the pallets, roll-cages, crates, boxes and totes in which goods are transported.
There are a plethora of savings to be made, both financially and environmentally, by optimising the use of what is termed “returnable transit equipment” (RTE). Recent advances in the design and management of RTE have already proved highly significant. Businesses are discovering how space-saving, energy-efficient crates, boxes or pallets can reduce weight, cut transport costs and minimise the amount of space wasted on a lorry and so reduce empty running. Besides saving money, it also helps to decrease your carbon footprint – a significant factor given the legal requirements now for businesses to cut emissions and reduce their impact on the environment.
There are other innovations, such as units with integral support for fragile loads or ones designed for shelf-less retail display, which can help speed up the delivery process. And while your company could own many different types of RTE, a variety of others could be hired from third parties or even pooled and operated on an exchange basis to cut costs.
Yet in their search for savings, many companies have overlooked the question of how all of the disparate RTE, plus collection of the data associated with it, is managed.
Even those who attempt to tackle the issue face the problem that the vast majority of existing supply chain software is simply not sophisticated enough to track all the information required to run a modern distribution stream.
Can your software tell you, for example, the condition of your RTE and whether it is awaiting cleaning and repair, empty or under-loaded?
And if your software struggles to cope with the facts and figures of a single style of RTE, multiple types of packaging delivering goods far and wide will only succeed in increasing the complexity to a wholly unmanageable level.
By choosing the ideal type of RTE for your business and managing it correctly, you can unlock efficiencies in parts of the supply chain that have previously proved resistant to improvement.
Equipment Tracking provides the live intelligence every business needs to monitor and manage the movement of RTE carefully and efficiently. It offers bespoke solutions which can strengthen your existing systems and enable you to track equipmentstock movement in real time, across all networks, dramatically improving and simplifying the whole process of managing your RTE.
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