Loading bays are busy areas, important for loading and unloading operations. But some loading bays face greater challenges to safety, operations, and building infrastructure than others. If your business services a variety of vehicles, you need to understand the impact that different types and sizes of vehicles can have on your loading dock – and the solutions to mitigate this.
What are dock bumper overrides?
It’s one of the most common problems Stertil engineers find on customer site visits. Dock bumper overrides occur when vehicles, most commonly containers that are taller than standard trailers, override or miss the dock bumpers installed to protect loading docks.
This happens when the vehicle’s height exceeds the designed protection range of standard dock bumpers, causing the vehicle or container to come into direct contact with the dock wall.
What is its impact?
Dock bumper overrides can lead to significant damage to both the loading dock and the vehicles. The primary impacts include:
1. Structural Damage: Repeated impacts can cause cracks, dents, and other structural damage to the loading dock, which can be costly to repair.
2. Increased Maintenance Costs: Frequent repairs and maintenance due to override damage can strain maintenance budgets.
3. Operational Downtime: Damaged docks can lead to operational delays, impacting productivity and efficiency.
4. Safety Hazards: Structural damage can pose safety risks to personnel working in and around the loading bay.
How do you mitigate dock bumper overrides?
Preventing dock bumper overrides requires a proactive approach, including investing in the right dock bumper setup, servicing, and training around dock loading operations:
1. Install Dock Bumpers at Different Heights: Installing dock bumpers at multiple heights ensures that vehicles of various heights are adequately protected. This tiered approach provides comprehensive coverage against impacts.
2. Use Impact-Resistant PE Dock Bumpers: Stertil’s polyethylene (PE) dock bumpers offer superior impact resistance compared to traditional rubber bumpers. They can absorb and disperse the energy from impacts more effectively, reducing damage.
3. Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Regularly inspecting dock bumpers for wear and tear and promptly replacing damaged bumpers can prevent override damage. Preventive maintenance ensures continuous protection.
4. Adjustable Dock Bumpers: Stertil’s height-adjustable dock bumpers allow left and right bumpers to be interchanged and rotated to enable users to achieve four times the working life of traditional dock bumpers.
5. Training for Dock Personnel: Training personnel to properly align vehicles with the dock and to recognise signs of wear and damage can enhance the effectiveness of dock bumpers and other loading bay equipment.
Ready to container-proof your loading bays?
If you’re looking to upgrade your loading bays with the right dock bumper setup, loading bay specialists Stertil are here to help. Our network of experienced, qualified loading bay specialists offers expert advice and professional installation and servicing of impact-resistant PE dock bumpers, helping you to container-proof your loading bay and protect your facility.
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