When Britain’s largest working siege machine returned to Warwick Castle recently to form the centrepiece of a new and daring action-packed show – The Legend of the Trebuchet – the castle needed a way to provide the correct tensioning for this monster of ancient and medieval warfare. Hearing the call to arms, Hoist & Winch duly supplied a class-leading Hadef electric winch offering 1500 kg pulling force (safe working load) with supporting frame and foundations.

Hoist & Winch have supplied a class-leading Hadef electric winch to Warwick Castle for their Legend of the Trebuchet show.

The trebuchet at Warwick Castle is an authentic recreation of one of the biggest and most deadly military machines of all time. Utilising a long rotating arm and the principles of leverage to launch projectiles from a sling, a trebuchet is essentially a huge catapult. It was powerful enough to hurl huge rocks that could breach castle walls. Sometimes it would even launch manure and dead animals into besieged castles to spread disease. It remained a common warfare weapon until the 15th century, when gunpowder and cannons came to the fore.

To showcase the power of the mighty trebuchet and bring a highly entertaining and educational spectacle to the banks of the River Avon next to Warwick Castle, a new show – The Legend of the Trebuchet – opened on 23 March. In the lead-up, Warwick Castle required the services of a high-performance electric winch to ensure reliable and repeatable tensioning of the trebuchet prior to launching its projectiles. The choice was a Hadef electric-powered wire-rope winch, delivered and installed by Hoist & Winch Ltd as part of a turnkey project.

After an initial site survey to discuss the requirements of this highly unusual application and specify the winch design features, Hoist & Winch returned to oversee a test fire of the trebuchet and measure its pulling force with a load cell and site tractor. Once complete, Hoist & Winch was in position to make a formal offer, comprising a fully specified winch, mounting frame and foundation base.

At the centre of the solution is a Hadef 400 V, three-phase, 50 Hz electric winch that delivers 1500 kg pulling force from its 25m rope length. Control is via a low-voltage radio remote with back-up plug-in pendant. Features of note include: a pressure roller for the wire rope drum; four-position top/bottom geared limit switches; a galvanised steel mounting frame for the winch; and electrical enclosures with IP66 protection rating.

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