The fifth Global Lifting Awareness Day took place on Thursday 18 July. Powered by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) and supporting organisations, it is now a widely celebrated day where manufacturers, suppliers, and end users are among those that share material that promotes safe and high-quality load lifting. Social media posts, videos, articles, and in-person activity were again bound together by the hashtag, #GLAD2024.

This article was first published in the August 1st 2024 issue of Warehouse & Logistics News, subscribe to the magazine by clicking here

One company supporting Global Lifting Awareness Day is Rope and Sling Specialists Ltd, whose Managing Director Steve Hutin commented: “We support #GLAD2024 because we are passionate about promoting high quality lifting products, inspection, and training. Further, we support LEEA’s organisational vision to eliminate accidents, injuries, and fatalities — and believe that skills and employment must remain at the centre of the campaign. We have supported GLAD since its 2020 inauguration and have seen it grow each time to the point where it is commanding more respect and generating higher levels of engagement at the point of use, where these messages need to permeate most.”

Piab has continued to evolve its piCOBOT® programme by adding a larger version. Developed with the needs of customers in mind who work with small industrial robots and cobots, its high payload combined with a low building height enables maximum capacity usage. With its lifting capability of up to 16 kg, the piCOBOT®L is particularly attractive for e-commerce, logistics and warehouse applications as well as for assisting with lifting of heavier items in production.

With the new DHR rope hoist, Demag is combining the advantages of both the DMR and DVR rope hoist ranges into a compact, powerful and versatile solution. With the new range combining the top features of the DMR and DVR ranges, users can benefit from the best of both (rope hoist) worlds. Developed for use with standard crane applications, the new DHR rope hoist is characterised by its compact dimensions.

The Port of Oulu has ordered a Konecranes Gottwald ESP.7 Portal Harbour Crane to improve cargo handling capability at their Main Quay. The new Generation 6 machine allows operators to reach across special RoRo vessels that have containers stacked high on deck, in addition to handling general cargo. Ordered in Q2 2024, the crane will be delivered in Q2 2025. As modern commercial sea traffic employs different types of vessels, the new Generation 6 portal harbour crane will be used to handle the RoRo vessels with containers stacked high on deck.

It’s great to see the industry rallying around to promote safe and high-quality load lifting.

George Simpson

Features Editor

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