Telematics is shaping the future of warehouses.

This state-of-the-art technology is helping companies in the material handling industry to boost their operational efficiency and improve the safety of their warehouses.

Telematics is the process of using technology to collect insights about your machinery, vehicles, and tools. Installing a telematics device on your machinery adds capabilities to your vehicles and future-proofs your business.

Is your material handling business as safe and efficient as it could be right now? Get a free safety and efficiency checklist to discover the 12 ways that owners and managers of fleets of forklifts are using telematics technology to both make their warehouses safer and boost the operational efficiency of their fleets in 2023 and beyond. Get the free checklist here.

Telematics features include  on-screen safety checklists which make pre- and post-start checks mandatory, with operator lockout if there’s a critical issue. This ensures operators have inspected the machine and determined that it is safe to use. It documents the completed checklist and the amount of time it took to complete. It tracks user behaviour and safety issues with real time data on a cloud platform.

Being able to set up lockout thresholds is also a sure-fire way to ensure safety at all times. This feature stops machines from working after an impact. Warehouse managers decide what these impact level thresholds are based on their specific needs.

Unreported impacts are costly to business, both in terms of product and equipment damage and machine downtime. With telematics solutions, you can receive instant notifications of impacts so you can identify which operators and areas are most prone to incidents.

With telematics, fleet and warehouse managers can give access to machines to approved operators via a pin code, RFID card, or fob. The ability to choose who operates each machine, based on personalised workplace criteria, allows for operations to continue running smoothly without interruption.

A big appeal of telematics for those running warehouses is finding a way to end confusion about how operators use machines. With telematics solutions you can monitor the activity of operators on a daily basis to gain insights into efficiencies. Not only will you gain insights on key time, seat time, and hours of movement, but you will also be able to identify and remove roadblocks to efficiency.

Telematics takes away the guesswork and endless hours of paperwork that managers are often left with. Hour meters reporting can be used to see exactly how long your machines are being used. Hours reporting helps you improve productivity and invest in your fleet more effectively. Dealers can also be given access to this data so they get real-time insights on hour meters for setting service intervals proactively. This means less guessing when a forklift needs work, fewer maintenance issues, and no machine downtime.

With telematics, fleet managers can ensure that operators using their machines always comply with the appropriate training and licensing requirements. An operator whose licence expires will be instantly locked out of all equipment to ensure safety and compliance. You’ll never lose track of licence requirements and you’ll ensure every operator has the up-to-date safety certifications to operate their equipment.

Additional add-ons such as 360° proximity warning equips forklift operators and their machines with the alerts and actionable insights needed to reduce forklift incidents. Other add-ons, such as battery monitoring help you avoid unnecessary wear of expensive batteries, maximise charge cycles, and prolong battery lifespan.

Get the free checklist for material handling companies in 2023 to see how safe and efficient your business is today. Get the free safety and efficiency checklist here.

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