High Speed Doors are incredibly useful for businesses operating in warehouses and industrial settings, acting as a moving barrier which provides a number of advantages. In this guide, we’re going to be looking at some of the fantastic benefits High Speed Doors can provide.

Energy Saving & Temperature Control

Most industrial settings and warehouses have large access doors to allow lorries to reverse in for loading and unloading. Whilst the door size is great for handling goods, they aren’t ideal for energy efficiency. With such large openings, significant amounts of heat or chilled air in air conditioned buildings will escape, resulting in increased energy bills.

High Speed Doors, help to maintain energy efficiency within a building as they minimise the amount of time the door is open and letting out heated or chilled air. Their fast action assists in maintaining temperatures, keeping your employees comfortable and stock at the correct temperature whilst lowering energy bills.

Improved Safety and Security

If you’re looking at ways in which you can improve your business’ security levels, start by looking at the entry points to your building. Faulty doors that frequently malfunction or remain open permanently leave your premises vulnerable to unauthorised entries and security breaches.

Modern High Speed Doors offer greater levels of control over who has access to your premises, shutting quickly once an authorised person or vehicle has passed through in order to minimise the time the door is left open and keep out those who are not welcome.

The doors’ sturdy, robust structure and hard wearing materials can help to keep out opportunist thieves from breaking in through the doors, improving the security of your goods and keeping your employees safe.

Reduced Pollution and Contamination

High speed doors aren’t just designed to keep unauthorised visitors out- they’re also incredibly effective at preventing pollution, dust and dirt from entering, helping to minimise the risk of contamination which is crucial in highly sensitive and environmentally controlled premises.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

In industries where hygiene is a top priority such as the food industry, having easy-to-clean doors is crucial. Stainless steel doors with PVC curtains are designed to withstand regular use of strong cleaning agents, so you can be sure you’re meeting your hygiene standards.

Great Cost Savings

As mentioned previously, high speed doors have the potential to help your business make significant savings through increased productivity, energy efficiency and time saving, making them a long term worthwhile investment.

Bespoke High Speed Doors

At BID Group, every door we install is tailor-made to meet the site requirements and the environment the door will operate in. Our full range of High Speed Doors ensure a cost effective and energy efficient solution, whilst ensuring a clean, safe and secure environment.

Klimate High Speed Door – Fast acting and energy efficient, designed for use in locations where high usage and reliability is key.

The Klimate K2 Freezer Door is a versatile, heavy duty, robust door that is designed to meet the rigorous demand of working in a freezer environment, making it ideal for temperature controlled premises such as those in the food and medical industries.

The Ardent Stainless Steel Door is designed specifically for locations where the demands for hygiene are high such as within the food and medical industries while the Ardent Oversize is a door designed with wind load resistance for larger than usual access points.


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