Concern about speeding fork lift trucks is a recurring topic in questions received by the FLTA. There is good reason for this as a speeding truck is an unstable truck – the cause of injuries and damage. With this in mind we have invited Mark Littlewood of Roadside Technologies to explain how his company can help overcome the problem.

When asked how he would approach the topic Marc said: “I would like to explain how we were asked to assist a blue chip company after an accident involving a fork lift truck which was thought to have exceeded the site speed limit.

The local HSE were impressed that the site manager had immediately taken action to check the speed of FLT’s on site, and in fact proved that the overall site speeds decreased when the drivers realised their speed as displayed on a small display sign.

The sign also recorded on an inbuilt recording unit the time, date and speed of all units that passed by the sign. The sign itself advised the drivers as opposed to singling them out for later recognition.

Hand held radar guns can be used for remote checking of speeding trucks, with the radar gun operator able to target potential over-speeders.”

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