tim-longmanSovereign Business Integration

Sovereign Business Integration is an independent IT services & business solutions specialist. We provide strategic, proactive, cost-effective and highly robust IT solutions and managed services to a broad cross-section of industries.

What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
My job is very multi-layered. There is always a lot going on and you can always be sure that one day will not be the same as the last. Sometimes I think that I’m working in a Tardis because the more you look into it the more opportunities you can see!

Who inspired you most in your career?
Lord Denning – he was a common sense maverick.

If you were an item in a warehouse, what would you be? And why?
I’d be an alloy wheel equipped with an RFID tag, so that I could always be tracked and never go missing.

What brought you to this industry?
Richard Barker, the CEO of Sovereign Business Integration.

If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
Ask for more money!

What’s your favourite pastime?
In my free time I enjoy playing Golf. I’ve recently become a member of two clubs and have a handicap of 19.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
It was embarrassing enough at the time… I don’t want to re-live it! But let’s just say I’m much more careful with client names now!

Do you have any hidden talents?
No – what you see is what you get! Although I have dabbled in Victorian-themed music hall acts for over 30 years.

Who would be your favourite party guest?
Charles Dickens and Dennis Bergkamp – the ex-Arsenal legend.

What is the greatest luxury in your life?
My holiday house in Bude, Cornwall.

If you won the lottery, what would you do?
I’d open a donkey sanctuary.

Who or what makes you laugh?
I recently saw the comedian Brendan Healy live and found him absolutely hilarious!

Do you have any secret ambitions?
Yes – but I’m not saying!

What’s your favourite holiday destination?
Lisbon, Portugal. It’s absolutely beautiful there and the people are wonderful.

What’s your favourite music album?
The Essential Barry Manilow.

What are your favourite movies?
Midnight Express and It’s A Wonderful Life.

What’s your favourite book?
Who Moved My Blackberry? By Lucy Kellaway

Who or what do you detest the most?

What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into the industry? (apart from ‘don’t do it)?
Do it! There is so much to this industry, and the lads are always happy for me to talk all night about the automotive sector!

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