Rack Collapse Prevention have launched their latest racking safety product at the NEC Birmingham’s Health & Safety Event, 30th April to 2nd May.

Left to right: Rack Collapse Prevention Company Founder, Craig Attwell and Sales Executive, Martin Lawson.

Rack Collapse Prevention Company Founder, Craig Attwell, said: “We’re excited to be introducing our latest safety product and chose The NEC, Birmingham’s Health & Safety Event as our launch pad due to it being the UK’s largest gathering of people working within the workplace safety sector.”

With over three-decades of food and storage industry experience Rack Collapse Prevention is internationally known for their top-supporting warehouse racking safety solution. Their latest offering is a Rack Alert alarm system which offers 24/7 monitoring, comprehensive reporting and reduced insurance premiums amongst just some of its benefits and has been designed as a stand-alone system or used in conjunction with their proven warehouse racking safety system.

Added Craig: “Racking inspections can be laborious and very time consuming, and with storage facilities getting ever larger the possibility of leg damage being missed has increased. In general, once an inspection has been signed off, any new damage to racking legs will not be identified until the next inspection. Damage can occur at any time and pose a risk to the whole warehouse and to any employees working within the facility.

“I’m always delighted to answer any questions about our latest safety products or indeed anything about our warehouse safety systems. I just love that moment when the person I’m talking to realises the value and advantages our systems can offer.”

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