In facilities where constant temperature control is crucial for operational efficiency, such as refrigerated environments or other specialised settings, the integrity of these carefully curated conditions is paramount.

However, inadequate access doors can disrupt these environments when they are opened too frequently or for extended periods of time, leading to a degradation in production and a deviation from optimum conditions.

To mitigate these challenges, it is essential to invest in energy-saving solutions that optimise temperature control while ensuring smooth operations. Installing high-speed doors at loading/access points can minimise the time during which the ambient environment is exposed to external elements. KLIMATE High Speed Doors are designed to open and close quickly, reducing air exchange and maintaining temperature stability.

A leading grocery retailer called on BID Group to replace damaged doors at one of its chilled distribution storage facilities.

The project was to replace six doors with new K2 High Speed Freezer doors eradicating the problem of ice building up on surrounding floors and walls and provide valuable energy savings by maintaining the cold store temperature.

By adopting these energy-saving solutions, facilities can enhance productivity while reducing energy consumption and associated costs.

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