Three steps to enhance order picking and warehouse operations to keep pace with the growth of e-commerce – Padraig Regan, Chief Product Officer, StayLinked, the proven market leader in Terminal Emulation (TE) for the supply chain industry. StayLinked’s software platform, Evolve, enables companies to take their existing investments in TE-based solutions to a whole new level.

Padraig Regan, Chief Product Officer, StayLinked.

With two thirds of today’s global warehouse operations underpinned by terminal emulation (TE) software, it is very likely that your warehouse is one of them.

Even though your TE solution may be thirty years old, you can still enhance your order picking processes without making changes to your backend system.

Starting from wherever you are today, you can make step-changes to immediately improve the productivity and efficiency of your entire warehouse operations ensuring that you meet customers’ demands as e-commerce continues to grow.

Here are three steps to do just that:

Step one: Stabilise your existing order picking solution

Are you suffering from the number one productivity killer; dropped sessions due to poor network connectivity? If your answer is yes, then change your TE solution immediately to one that eliminates all dropped sessions. You will notice an instant and significant increase in productivity.

Step two: Migrate to android mobile devices

Any new device-side developments are being built for the Android operating system. If you are still using Windows Mobile or CE devices, you should migrate to Android as this will open up a host of new opportunities.

There is a perception that switching from Windows to Android devices is difficult. It doesn’t have to be if you choose the right TE solution which focuses on fast migration and easy worker adoption.

Step three: Evolve your solution’s productivity

Running the right TE solution, such as StayLinked’s SmartTE, on Android devices now enables you to augment your existing workflows by including appropriate new technologies that can significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of your employees. These could include wearable devices, heads up displays, pick to light, voice solutions and even autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) working alongside your employees.

Deploying just one of these technologies can seem daunting and risky. However, with a software platform specifically developed to facilitate seamless adoption of new technologies, such as StayLinked’s Evolve, one or more of these technologies can be rapidly deployed, in ways that just weren’t possible before, with no complicated integration, scripting, coding or changes to the backend system!

Evolve even allows warehouse operators to try out new technologies in a low-cost, low-risk way, which can be easily monitored to ensure they are delivering as expected before a full deployment.

Don’t delay! Ask your solution provider to successfully guide you through the three steps to enhanced order picking and warehouse operations to keep you in step with growing e-commerce demands.

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