The zoo based in Regent’s Park, London, opened to the public in 1847 (established in 1828) receives no state funding and relies on membership, entrance fees and sponsorship to generate income.


This means any support the zoo receives is of great appreciation and importance to help it operate. To avoid impacting on their precious funds, London Zoo reached out to Plastor, leading suppliers of plastic storage containers, to see if they could help support them with their latest and very exciting project, The Land of the Lions. Part of the project’s brief was to create a colourful Indian ‘style’ pickup truck carrying a variety of colourful ventilated crates on its rear cargo tray and positioned outside the Lion enclosure as a themed focal display.

Unaware that finding mixed coloured, heavy duty containers is actually harder to find than one may think it was lucky that London Zoo (an existing customer of Plastor’s) turned to the company for help and advice. Within Plastor’s vast choice of products is a particular range of very colourful food grade crates which were ideal for the Indian Truck project. Plastor fulfilled London Zoo’s requirement by generously donating the containers for their exhibition.

Being heavy duty containers London Zoo could also be confident that the crates will provide years of enjoyment and colour towards the eye catching, long standing feature.

The Land of the Lions exhibition is London Zoo’s biggest project to date and was officially opened by The Queen in Spring 2016. The huge 2,500sqm exhibition is designed to resemble the Gir Forest National Park in India, portraying the Asiatic Lions natural habitat, overlapping with the local urban environment whilst giving an insight on how humans and lions live closely together. It took 2 years to construct and offers interactive and educational elements for visitors.

Neil Harris, Marketing Manager: “It’s great supporting these projects when we can. Having visited London Zoo on many occasions in my lifetime (and now with my kids) it’s good to know we’ve contributed towards the enjoyment of others whilst saving a much loved organisation money. London Zoo (ZSL) is a registered charity with a limited budget and I feel it’s extremely important to support them as they contribute heavily towards the worldwide conservation and study of animals. I’m looking forward to seeing the containers, as well as the fascinating animals of course, with my family in the coming weeks and wish London Zoo a ‘roaring’ success with their new attraction”.

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