Our Safety Conference at University of Warwick on 24th September will provide a great starting point for those beginning their journey to safety.
Those attending will have an unmissable opportunity to listen and learn from those who have already travelled that path.
As well as providing insight and encouragement, these individuals – who have developed successful safety campaigns that have dramatically improved safety at their sites – will provide invaluable guidance on pitfalls and how to negotiate them.
Surrounding the Conference – and continuing long beyond it – Safety Week (22 – 28 September 2014) will provide a range of free, interesting, relevant and interactive resources to reach the widest audience, engaging them to find the real killer in their warehouse.
Among the materials being developed this year – in association with Mentor, the UK’s foremost provider of operator training to the materials handling industry – will be a hazard perception test.
The Hazard Perception Test presents participants with a series of scenarios which have been designed to help anyone who works with or alongside fork lift trucks – including managers and supervisors – to test their awareness… and discover ways to improve it to enhance their personal safety.
Following Safety Week, the results of the Hazard Perception Test will be collated and used to help the Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA) better understand awareness and perception of risk among those who work with and alongside fork lift trucks in the UK.
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