Welcome to the 15 July Warehouse & Logistics News. What do you do when you’re already the best? Simple – get even better! The sophisticated warehousing and logistics technology and best practice that we live by in the UK and Europe is the result of decades of continued innovation and improvement – and the good news is, it doesn’t stop.
In this issue we interview topVOX, the voice controlled picking specialists, whose improved plug & play systems are making ultra efficient voice picking accessible to companies of all sizes; in our other interview we highlight the improved sortation and control service offering from Crisplant, now part of the BEUMER group; and we unveil the new version of our website, www.warehousenews.co.uk, which we’ve given a brand new design and made clearer to read, while keeping all the sections that make readers keep coming back.
topVOX develops innovative complete solutions for mobile data entry and Pick by Voice for all core processes in intralogistics. Major distributors, stock turnover centres and central warehouses and major logistics service providers, all use topVOX products. topVOX’s wide-ranging portfolio of speech-controlled picking systems offers the logical step towards implementing these technologies to optimise picking productivity. These come as a plug and play system, with standardised interfaces to the common WMS/ERP systems. topVOX opens the door for operations of all sizes, including small web-based retailers, to use Voice technology to make picking processes more effective and productive.
Now part of the BEUMER Group, Crisplant’s worldwide reputation has been gained over many years as a developer of innovative high-speed, automated sortation technology products sit at the heart of modern baggage handling, material handling and logistic systems. Here in the UK, BEUMER Group has now gathered all its business activities in one location, Crisplant’s UK office, which has the remit to offer equipment from both ranges and supply the best solution to suit clients’ requirements, whether from BEUMER or Crisplant.
Finally we’ve now updated our web site www.warehousenews.co.uk with new visuals and improved its readability. Warehouse & Logistics News led from the start by launching the first web site dedicated to warehouse and logistics industry news in 2001. During the last ten years it has firmly established itself as the number one English language on-line news platform for industry professionals in the UK, Europe and beyond, and has some 3,600 unique visitors per day. We’re sure the new design will take our web site from strength to strength – we’re sure you’ll enjoy it, too.
Happy reading.
Warehouse & Logistics News
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