Bio8 Limited are now distributing a new range of ULTRAGREEN, NON-HAZARDOUS cleaning products which deliver spectacular results with a minimum effort, minimum downtime and are completely safe for the user and the environment.
Envii EN700 is a unique product for the quick and safe removal of rubber deposits left by forklift truck and heavy machinery tyres without causing any damaging to floors, coatings and safety markings.
• For any warehouse manager, Envii EN700 is a miracle product, which gives an “as new” look to most floors and coatings with minimum disruption and a reduction in maintenance costs.
• For visitors, it will give an instant impression of the company’s commitment to cleanliness, hygiene and efficiency.
• From an operational point of view, it will lift staff morale and improve safety.
Compared with conventional methods for rubber removal such as harsh solvents and diamond grinding, our revolutionary aqueous chemistry rapidly lifts the rubber deposits without causing any damage to concrete, expensive floor coatings or safety markings. Above all, there are no health and safety issues with the product!
EN700 is used neat for deep cleaning and the removal of heavy deposits and diluted with up to 5 parts water for general use.
Spray the area with the neat or diluted product leave for at least 5 minutes and then agitate the surface using a scrubber dryer with relatively soft pads (red) attached, whilst applying pressure. You will see the rubber marks lift with amazing ease. Finally clean the floor as normal, using the scrubber dryer and vacuum any residues from the surface.
One customer recently told us “We had tried everything from diamond encrusted pads to physically trying to scrape the deposits off using a scraper with no effect. Envii EN700 took 10 minutes and was simple, we minimised any disruption for our client and the results have been amazing!”
Envii EN700 Heavy Duty Tyre Mark Remover is available from Bio8 Limited either by contacting them direct on 01246 240880, via their website or call Andrew Hiron on 07812 604343 to arrange a demo.
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