Established in 1975 Cimcorp is a privately owned Finnish automation company with around 150 employees, 100 of whom are engineers. The head office and factory is in Finland but the company has a global presence. All of the design and build, both software and hardware, is sourced in-house using Cimcorp’s own staff for both design and support. Cimcorp has over 5,000 robots in 1,500 automation systems spread over 30 countries. Cimcorp’s experience results in a company the client can trust.
The main business area is logistics automation for
• Food and Beverage manufacturers and retailers
• The international tyre industry
• Mail and postal services
Cimcorp’s systems provide dynamic storage and easy access to products, very different from the days of the inflexible automated warehouses of the 80’s and 90’s.
Many of Cimcorp’s customers are in the BRIC countries where customers realise that there are far greater benefits from the uses of robots than simply replacing labour. For example, the use of automation in a supply chain provides accurate traceability.
In retail situations, the use of “automation islands” in an RDC or NDC can enable error-free picking of fast moving and heavy lines of produce, bakery or dairy goods to shorten order lead times and thus improve freshness. Robots can eliminate the heavy repetitive work producing increased job satisfaction for the warehouse staff whilst at the same time improving customer satisfaction and traceability and reducing waste.
There are installations that have been working for years in bakeries, dairies, breweries and postal services in mainland Europe that could be used for reference visits by prior agreement.
In July this year Cimcorp bought RMT Robotics Ltd a Canadian company based around Toronto. Both companies have specialized in gantry robotic technology and related controls. RMT has also developed a flexible AGV system called ADAM, which is gaining a growing foothold in the North American market.
Cimcorp’s latest innovation, the Cimcorp+ robot, features an advanced control system, developed in partnership with the world-leading controls and drives specialist, Bosch Rexroth. This new generation of robots offer 30% higher productivity, yet 40% lower energy consumption as the new controller regenerates and feeds back braking energy to the power network, thereby decreasing the heat generation and power consumption of the drives.
Cimcorp,, isrepresented the UK by Logistics Planning Ltd based in Wiltshire.
For further details contact Graham Jones on
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