The UK Material Handling Association (UKMHA) has announced the appointment of Rob Fisher as its Chief Executive Officer, effective July 1st.

Rob Fisher will succeed Tim Waples, Chief Executive UKMHA, whose retirement was announced earlier in the year, and Cameron Burnett, CEO Designate.

Under Tim’s stewardship, which dates back to 2020 when BITA and FLTA combined, UKMHA has flourished. “Tim has provided UKMHA with excellent leadership at what was a very challenging period with the combining of two major associations and the unique circumstances during COVID,” states Simon Barkworth, UKMHA Joint President. “We wish Tim a well-earned and happy retirement.”

Cameron, who joined in 2022, has been instrumental in advancing UKMHA’s marketing and events strategy and departs with the association’s heartfelt well wishes.

Rob Fisher steps into his new role with a mandate to drive member engagement, ensure seamless day-to-day operations, and collaborate with the board of directors to shape the association’s future trajectory.

With over 19 years leading IMHX, a pivotal event jointly owned by UKMHA and Informa Markets, Rob brings a wealth of industry insight and expertise. His proven track record in business management ensures UKMHA’s continued dedication to serving its members and advancing sustainability, safety, and excellence.

Joint UKMHA President, Andrew Woodward, expresses enthusiasm for Rob’s appointment, highlighting his strategic acumen and industry knowledge as invaluable assets. “We are thrilled to welcome Rob to the UKMHA family,” says Woodward. “His leadership will be crucial as we champion our dynamic industry and empower our members to thrive in an evolving landscape.”

“I am honoured and excited by this unique opportunity,” says Fisher. “I look forward to engaging with UKMHA members along with our Safe User Group at the earliest opportunity. With an exceptional team by my side, I am confident in our ability to drive positive change and continue to elevate the profile of our industry.”

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