In the fast-paced world of warehousing and logistics, packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring products are well protected in transit, optimising storage space and enhancing operational efficiencies. As companies strive to meet the demands of an ever-evolving market landscape, emerging packaging innovations can aid with addressing key challenges while enhancing efficiency and sustainability. One such solution gaining in popularity is the use of linerless labels, set to transform the way companies approach labelling processes.

Representing a significant departure from traditional liner-backed labels, linerless labels offer a more sustainable and efficient labelling alternative. These self-adhesive labels use approximately 40% less paper and do not require backing material. Instead, they are coated in a layer of silicone, allowing the labels to be wound onto a roll without sticking to each other, which eliminates liner waste altogether. With sustainable packaging alternatives like this, companies can lower their environmental footprint, reduce plastic waste generation and mitigate ecological harm, aligning with the industry’s growing focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility.

One of the key benefits of linerless labels for warehousing and logistics is their sustainability credentials. As label liners cannot be burned or recycled, they end up in land fill, but by opting for linerless labels, businesses can tackle this issue and generate less waste.

The benefits of zero liner waste extend beyond environmental considerations, however, providing tangible operational advantages, driving efficiency and streamlining packaging processes. As liners take up half the space on a traditional roll of labels, by not having any liners, linerless labels hold approximately twice as many labels in the same space. This results in reduced downtime for label changes and faster labelling speeds which can help manufacturing and distribution facilities optimise their operations through increased time efficiency.

Unlike traditional labels which are constrained by backing liners, linerless labels are versatile, offering flexibility in sizing and design, both of which are customisable up to the point of printing. This can help with SKU rationalisation as one roll of linerless labels can provide labels of varying lengths so the need for many sizes can be cut down to just a few, saving storage space.

Furthermore, linerless labels contribute to cost savings by reducing materials and operational costs. With no backing liners to dispose of, companies can lower their packaging waste and associated disposal costs. Linerless labels also have a prolonged shelf life because of their silicone coating which protects against chemical, UV and moisture exposure. This coating is less abrasive to printer heads, protecting expensive printer equipment from wear and tear, and ultimately saving on costs.

As a leading carbon-neutral packaging supplier, Kite Packaging is dedicated to providing sustainable packaging solutions to businesses nationwide. With our extensive network of eight Regional Distribution Centres strategically located throughout the UK, coupled with our expert team of label specialists, Kite Packaging stands as the primary choice for all your packaging needs.


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