Exporta are unravelling the cost dynamics associated with the switch from wooden, to plastic pallets. In the logistics and supply chain industry, pallets are indispensable. They provide a stable foundation for storing, handling, and transporting goods from one point to another. Traditionally, wooden pallets have been the go-to choice for many businesses. However, in recent years, plastic pallets have gained significant traction due to their numerous advantages. But a question that often arises is – are plastic pallets cheaper?

The first question we’re often asked at Exporta is about the initial cost of making the switch to plastic. When comparing the initial purchase price, it’s true that plastic pallets tend to be more expensive than their wooden counterparts. The manufacturing process of plastic pallets is more complex and involves high-quality materials, which contributes to their higher upfront cost. However, focusing solely on the initial purchase price can be misleading. It’s essential to consider other factors, such as durability, maintenance costs, and lifespan, which significantly impact the total cost of ownership.

Two key long-term savings often convince businesses to make the switch, durability, and lifespan. One of the most significant advantages of plastic pallets is their durability. Unlike wooden pallets that can easily break or splinter under heavy loads or rough handling, plastic pallets are designed to withstand harsh conditions without compromising their structural integrity. Moreover, plastic pallets have a longer lifespan compared to wooden ones. While a wooden pallet may last for 3-5 years under optimal conditions, a high-quality plastic pallet can last up to 10 years or even longer, depending on its usage. This extended lifespan means that although you might pay more upfront for plastic pallets, you’ll save money in the long run as you won’t need to replace them as frequently as wooden ones.

Maintenance costs are another crucial factor when considering whether plastic pallets are cheaper. Wooden pallets often require regular maintenance to repair damages such as broken boards or protruding nails. These repairs not only add to the overall cost but also disrupt operations, leading to potential downtime. On the other hand, plastic pallets require minimal maintenance. They are resistant to moisture, chemicals, and pests, which significantly reduces the risk of damage and the associated repair costs. Furthermore, their smooth surface prevents product damage during handling and transportation, saving businesses from potential losses.

So far so good for plastic, but can they really be a greener option?

In today’s world, sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of reducing their environmental footprint, and choosing plastic pallets can contribute significantly towards this goal. Plastic pallets are recyclable, which means at the end of their lifespan, they can be ground down and re-moulded into new pallets. This reduces waste and conserves resources while contributing to a circular economy. Additionally, because they last longer than wooden pallets, fewer pallets need to be produced over time, which further minimises environmental impact. In contrast, while wooden pallets can also be recycled or repurposed, many end up in landfills due to a lack of proper disposal methods or facilities.

So, it seems clear that plastic pallets can be a greener and a cheaper option. When considering only the initial purchase price, plastic pallets might seem more expensive than wooden ones. However, when you factor in durability, lifespan, maintenance costs, and environmental impact – all crucial elements in total cost of ownership – plastic pallets prove to be a cost-effective choice in the long run.

It’s never been easier to make the switch with a huge range of plastic pallets available in all sizes and strengths. Exporta can offer you a free consultation on your existing pallet operation whether you make the switch with us or not. As the first carbon neutral supplier of plastic pallets, our goal is to improve supply chain sustainability in any way possible.


t: 0800 294 4394

e: sales@exportaglobal.co.uk

w: www.exportaglobal.co.uk


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