In times of increasing demands on delivery speed and quality, keeping track of all shipments is crucial for logistics companies. As the manual search for specific goods in cross-docks is time-consuming and error-prone, seamless shipment tracking plays an increasingly important role. For K. Hansen Transport A/S, ensuring a high-quality logistics service is also of great importance, so the company chose DIVIS’ CargoVIS video management solution (VMS) for shipment tracking powered by the Quuppa tracking system.

Jakob Wiborg Hansen, Director of K. Hansen Transport A/S.

One of the most proven indoor tracking systems

Today, Quuppa’s RTLS (Bluetooth direction-finding) solution is one of the most proven indoor tracking systems, offering numerous logistics benefits. Its full potential, however, is realised when paired with a software-based VMS, enabling seamless parcel tracking in a matter of seconds through camera-based systems combined with precise location data.

This value-added technology combination convinced the Danish company K. Hansen Transport A/S to choose a VMS with tracking technology. The solution was supposed to also encompass the premises’ outside area and be user-friendly, ensuring seamless integration into the daily logistics routine of the staff. CargoVIS from DIVIS and the Quuppa solution quickly convinced K. Hansen Transport.

Seamless goods tracking indispensable

In large warehouses with a high consignment throughput, visual parcel tracking is indispensable for quality assurance. Thus, in 2021, the VMS CargoVIS from DIVIS was introduced in six logistics halls of the Danish company. Another almost 8,000 square metres were equipped with CargoVIS and the Bluetooth tracking with Location+. “We have already achieved very good results in finding goods and lost shipments since the system was installed,” explains Jakob Wiborg Hansen, Director of K. Hansen Transport A/S.

The icing on the cake: Hardware tags (transponders) – small transmitters typically mounted on the scanners – are no longer required; their task is taken over by a DIVIS app. When a pallet is scanned (via app) with the Quuppa system using the barcode scanners, the scan data is recorded in the Transport or Warehouse Management System. Locators on the hall ceiling receive the scanners’ Bluetooth signals, whereupon the app transmits the scanners’ position. The CargoVIS database associates the location data with video footage of the shipment, enabling easy tracking of each pallet based on the consignment number.

One platform, many possibilities

Besides Location+, the DIVIS platform offers further plus modules tailored to the needs of logistics customers, which can be individually combined with the video software products CargoVIS or ParcelVIS. K. Hansen Transport A/S also uses the License-Plate+ module, which enables the automatic recognition of vehicle license plates via video camera and simplifies yard management. The stored data is used for access control and for monitoring vehicle movements in the yard to permit only authorised vehicles on company premises.

Conclusion: Success all along the line

Thanks to the DIVIS and Quuppa solution K. Hansen Transport A/S has significantly increased efficiency in their operation. Several areas of the company benefit from Location+ with tagless Bluetooth tracking – from the loading processes to claims management. Customers will also benefit from a higher quality of service. “The cooperation with DIVIS, especially with sales and service, has been very effective,” says Director Jakob Wiborg Hansen, praising the exchange with DIVIS. “We are very satisfied with the system”.

Further information on CargoVIS and tagless tracking solutions is available on the DIVIS website.


K. Hansen Transport A/S, with 125 years of logistics experience, operates a modern logistics centre in Vejen, Denmark. On an area of 55,000 square metres, the seven logistics halls offer state-of-the-art technology for fast and secure distribution processes. 7,000 square metres are reserved for the handling of goods alone. With around 200 employees, the company manages transportation and logistics in Scandinavian countries.

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