Most of us heard of ChatGPT and the incredible hype it has generated over recent weeks thanks to its eerily-human tone of voice.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Businesses across the corporate space are already using ChatGPT for various tasks, but it’s easy to forget that the tool is basically an artificial intelligence tool.

AI and machine learning has already been used for many years in a range of markets, and while ChatGPT might be the latest shiny toy, there are many other uses for AI to automate basic tasks in a range of businesses.

One sector that has particularly benefited from automation and software tools is warehousing. Warehousing is already making significant inroads into the landscape and helping to improve outputs for many providers, and it has even more potential as the tools are developed further.

Here are some of the reasons why tech and automation are already having a significant impact on the warehousing landscape and what they could do as they get better.

What Is Warehousing Automation?

Even the most tech-phobic warehouse managers have used automated tools in some way. But what exactly are they? Well, warehousing automation involves finding ways to use leading-edge automation software to streamline the running of any industrial storage space.

While automated tools will never fully replace your human staff, they can save time and reduce the need for as many team members as you had previously. Also, these tools can do basic tasks quickly and with less chance of human error.

So that means that you can deliver your goods quickly and effectively without the need to hire more workers. While you will need staff to operate and support the machines, you could cut down on your human resources and, therefore, costs with warehousing automation.

How Is Tech Changing The Way We Manage Warehouses?

Technology has already become an invaluable tool for warehouse managers. From the early uses of tech, such as conveyer belt systems, to modern robots that can patrol warehouses and even stack shelves, we’ve been using tech for hundreds of years in the warehousing space.

Some of the popular tools used today include:

  • Warehouse planning tools: These tools help managers to map out their warehouse space and work out the best way to lay out the space to bolster efficiency
  • Inventory management solutions: Automated barcoding tools that can streamline inventory management and reduce the need for manual stock-takes
  • Shelf-stacking automation: Shelf-stacking automation involves using pre-programmed forklifts or robots to automate the picking and packing process- this is in the early stages of development, but it is becoming increasingly common
  • Goods-to-person technology: Another early robotic tool is good-to-person automation, which brings the items to people for assembly and packing, so warehouse staff don’t have to look for them and can save time
  • Security software: Automated security tools, such as gates that lock on a timer and facial-recognition software, can help keep warehouses secure and reduce the chances of theft
  • Communication tools: Wireless communication technology, such as headsets, can help managers and staff to collaborate remotely from across the warehouse space, reducing travel time across the warehouse

Within the wider logistics and construction markets, there are also many ways that software is being utilized to benefit companies, reduce costs and streamline operations. For example, in the construction landscape, project managers use project cost management software like Kahua to make budgeting easier and more effective. From conception to finish, they can plan their costs and see where they can make savings.

Tools like this are vital for the ongoing success of businesses across the warehousing, logistics and construction landscapes, as businesses seek ways to save time and money while delivering the support and service their end users expect. With costs rising across the board, companies need to find ways to use technology to their advantage if they want to remain competitive.

What Further Developments Can We Expect Moving Forward?

Looking to the future, we’re likely to see even greater adoption of automated warehousing technology in the years to come. Companies are looking for ways to cut costs while delivering great solutions, and tech is the way to go to achieve this aim.

Within the automation market, providers are seeking ways to adapt their solutions to better suit the warehousing sector. Already, warehouse security robots are being used in conjunction with human security guards to reduce the need for human staff, and while this is only in the early stages, the project looks set to be a key focus for the industry going forward.

For warehouse managers, adapting to these tools and implementing them quickly is key to staying ahead of your competition. Make sure you stay on top of the latest developments in warehouse automation by following blogs from experts in this sector. You’ll then be able to find the right tools that will drive your warehouse forward and help you manage your time and resources effectively.

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