What’s the most exciting thing about your job?

The most exciting thing about my job is that no day is the same. The different tasks and goals that I have to achieve on a daily basis excites me and keeps me on my toes. The culture of the business motivates me as I have a great sense of belonging at BID Group.

Who has inspired you most in your career?

My mum is definitly an inspiration as she has taught me a lot about work ethic and going the extra mile. I would also give a big shout out to Phil Watkins, Assistant Operations Director, who has started off at BID as an Administrator and is now a Managing Director. His career inspires me and makes me feel like all things are possible with belief and hard work.

If you were an item in a warehouse, what would you be?

A key, as this opens “doors” to opportunities as I am always on the look out for progression and to challenge myself.

If you had your time again, what would you do different?

I would not change anything as I believe that everything positive or negative was given to me to teach me a lesson.

What’s your favourite pastime?

My favourite past time is listening to motivational audio books.

Do you play a sport, follow a sport or support a team?

I don’t do sports, however my Manager would’t be happy if I did not mention Everton FC.

What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened in your career?

Walking out the toilet into the office (open planned) with toilet roll trailing behind me.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Don’t have any hidden talents, however I do go out of my way to make everyone feel welcomed.

Who would be your favourite party guest?

My brother as we match our energy when we are out and about and bounce off each other.

What is the greatest luxury in your life?

I most recently bought a Mercedes and have a good collection of designer handbags.

If you won the Lottery, what would you do?

Buy my mum her dream home and do some charity work.

Who or what makes you laugh?

My mum as she does and says the weirdest things. She is very clumsy and can make me cry with laughter.

What’s your dream holiday?

New York for a City Holiday and Santorini for a Beach Holiday.

What’s your favourite music album?

Scary Hours 2 – Drake.

What’s your favourite movie or Netflix series?


What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into the industry (apart from “don’t do it”)?

Be prepared to work hard.

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