Keeping employees safe is a priority for companies. The health and well-being of each of their employees can impact the rest of the business. Employees that sustain an injury or fall ill due to working conditions will likely take time off work to recover. The reduced number of employees can cause some businesses to fall behind in their schedules or work.

Image by Yerson Retamal from Pixabay

Falling, slipping and tripping is the second most common ways employees injure themselves. The most common form of a workplace injury is carrying, lifting and handling an item. Any of these injuries could see an employee taking time off work. Employers must implement measures that will help keep their employees safe whilst working. If not, it could see them face some damaging fines.

There are countless ways to achieve this for business leaders looking to minimise health and safety hazards within their workplace. Some of these changes are easier to implement than others, but here are a few ways to help minimise these risks.

Clear And Informative Signs

If there are aspects of the company that could be a potential hazard if mishandled, consider having clear and informative signs to highlight the risk. Having informative signs visible to employees can help reduce the risk of an incident occurring.

These signs could cover issues such as hot water, wet floor signs and even a step that can easily be missed. Featuring signs in the workplace for employees shows them to remain vigilant. The hazard has been identified, and the employees have been notified through clear signage, which can help provide the business with protection if an employee tries to sue for negligence.

Regular Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are a legal requirement for all companies, even those self-employed, must carry out. Companies with five or more employees employed are legally obligated to record the risk assessment findings they conducted.

Conducting regular risk assessments helps protect all current and new employees from falling ill and potential harm. Risk assessments help a company create a working environment compliant with health and safety measures and standards. Any hazards identified can be handled as a matter of urgency. It helps prevent this hazard from becoming an issue that could impact the company.

Respond Rapidly To Hazards

If and when an employee identifies a hazard, it should be handled almost immediately. Once notified, addressing an issue within the workplace reduces the risk of another employee sustaining an injury. Most hazards are preventable and can be resolved swiftly. For threats that cannot be resolved by an employee, investing in professional support to fix a risk can help to minimise the chances of something occurring.

After one issue has been identified by an employee, it is worth looking for further hazards. In addition to this, look into hazards that have been frequently reported. Also, take note of what accidents have occurred over recent months. With this information, you can update training and implement new safety measures to respond to the most common hazards. It helps to keep the business updated and employees well-informed.

Provide Equipment

For companies operating within the construction industry or in an environment such as a warehouse, equipment is an essential part of working efficiently. Having safety equipment on hand is a simple and effective way to reduce risks.

For instance, wearing hard hats or high-visibility clothing is essential for those working on construction sites. It helps to ensure that they are visible from a distance due to their high-vis clothing, and should something fall, the hard hat will help protect them.

Another essential item is a stepladder. If your employees need to access objects on high shelves, have stepladders on hand for them to use. Having stepladders readily available can reduce the chances of employees climbing shelving units or onto surfaces to get what they need. Preventing this can help keep employees safe and minimise getting injured due to trying to get an item.

Reducing The Risk

Addressing and prioritising health and safety can help a business save time and money. Time and money are spent handling an incident and the costly consequences that can sometimes follow. Saving both of these can be beneficial for a business.

Minimising the safety risks within a workplace can help establish a positive working environment. Consistently ensuring that risk assessments are conducted, hazards are identified and handled and provided equipment shows employees the company cares. It shows that the business is actively making an effort to create a space where its employees can thrive safely.

Running a workplace that holds high standards surrounding health and safety are more likely to have low injury rates. It shows that they have created a safe space for employees to work. It is a quality that employees and potential employees will admire.


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