To mark this year’s Recycle Week, – The Responsible Plastic Pallet Company – created a challenging quiz to test the nation’s recycling knowledge.

Since launching its pioneering plastic pallet recycling scheme 18 months ago, promising to recover and recycle all of the plastic pallets and boxes it supplies to customers, has recycled more than 400 tonnes of plastic waste.

Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of, said: “When we launched our recycling scheme, we set out with the mission of helping create more sustainable supply chains by ensuring all of the plastic pallets and boxes we supply are responsibly recycled at the end of their use.

“During lockdown we expected things to ease, but we actually recycled 45 tonnes of plastic in just four months from customers used plastic pallets and boxes. But, with your help we can continue to recycle more!” This statement from Jim echoes the theme of WRAP’s 17th annual Recycle Week which is ‘Thanking the nation: Together – We Recycle’. According to their latest statistics, through lockdown the UK has become even more environmentally aware, with nearly 9 in 10 households saying they ‘regularly recycle’. Furthermore, an amazing 93 per cent of UK households say they believe that ‘everyone has a responsibility to help towards cleaning up the environment.’

To find out how you can recycle your used plastic pallets and boxes, call’s team of experts on 01323 744057.

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