Kelgray Products Ltd, one of the UK’s most experienced providers for hardware and software solutions within warehousing and distribution, retail and manufacturing companies is offering a must have trade in deal, which allows customers to upgrade to the next generation Zebra TC8000 all-touch mobile computer, which is proven to increase productivity by 14%!

tc8000-parallax-5Kelgray have formed a key partnership alliance with Zebra to actively promote the trade in offer to any current or prospective clients who have legacy equipment from ANY manufacturer.

For years, warehouse operations have reaped the benefits of handheld mobile computers with integrated barcode scanners. These devices assist in managing hundreds of thousands of items and orders within single or multiple warehouse locations.

Zebra have spent significant time intricately researching a warehouse pickers workflow, it’s effect on the human body and addressing the issue of wasted motion and needless fatigue.

A warehouse pickers typical process consists of looking at the computer display, getting directions to an item, walking to that location, scanning the location barcode, looking at the product and quantity to be picked on the display, locate the item, scan the item barcode, completing the order and moving onto the next one.

Traditional pistol grip mobile computers have the handle pointing down, the display facing up and the scanner forward. The TC8000’s handle is in line with the display and the scanner then points away at an optimised angle. The revised ergonomics mean that workers hold the device in a very natural way, with the user’s hand in a position very much like they are shaking hands with someone.

Instead of the fatiguing sharp wrist motions of conventional designs, the TC8000 requires only slight raising and lowering of the arm for scanning and reading the display.

The Zebra TC8000 sets a completely new standard in ergonomics, with its innovative design. The pioneering tilted screen and barcode scanner, coupled with the handle position drastically reduces the motion required to pick an item.

The TC8000 also boasts an integrated tool that automatically transforms your legacy Terminal Emulation (TE) “green screens” into elegant, graphics-based all-touch TE screens that are not only highly intuitive, but also dramatically reduce the number of interactions required to complete a task. No coding or modifications to your host application are required for this.

The TC8000 is a third lighter than historic handheld mobile computers, has triple the battery life, plus the “hot swap” battery feature is included as standard.

With this low weight and an industry leading design, Zebra estimate a 55% reduction in wrist motion, a 15% reduction in muscle effort required and a 14% increase in productivity.

14% extra productivity is valuable to any business, therefore the TC8000 is truly a step forward in design and performance in an area where time is certainly money!

Contact Kelgray today to find out more about how the Zebra TC8000 can revolutionise your warehouse operations.

Tel: 01293 518733

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