Established in 1985, AITT is currently celebrating its thirtieth anniversary. The organisation once again increased its membership this year, thanks to its responsiveness and highly competitive fees.

Dave-Sparrow-MDIndeed, AITT is unusual in that it is a notfor- profit organisation answerable to its members rather than shareholders, so is driven by providing the best possible service rather than profit making. Any surplus income goes directly towards improving standards.

With a remit that embraces a broad swath of workplace transport including fork lift trucks of all types, cranes, construction equipment and warehouse equipment AITT has been instrumental in creating a definitive list of categories by which different types of workplace transport are classified. This has now been adopted by all Accrediting Bodies Association (ABA) members.

Concerned by the lack of training provision for those in leadership roles, AITT recently developed the UK’s first comprehensive accreditation standard for the training for lift truck managers and supervisors.

According to Managing Director Dave Sparrow: “Many of those responsible for overseeing lift truck operations have little or no experience of how they operate. This is compounded by the assumption that it won’t happen to them.

“The standard we have established confronts the widely-held assumption that managing forklifts simply requires a bit of common sense… despite that fact that most forklift supervisors have never actually operated one and are, in fact, woefully unaware of the dangers they present. Early feedback from delegates describes the course as ‘outstanding’.”

AITT2-Logo-High-Resolution-(00000002)Looking forwards

Moving into 2016, AITT aims to provide its members with access to training standards and to deliver advice and guidance at an affordable price. At the same time, it will continue to ensure that standards are achieved and maintained by its training providers and ensure that operators are provided with the highest levels of training.

By engaging with training providers both nationally and internationally AITT plans to further increase its membership and continuously improve the product it delivers.

On a wider front, one of its objectives is to engage with industry to ensure that standards continue to be updated or created for an ever evolving marked of workplace transport vehicles.

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