Ideal for users who service multiple Forklift Trucks the SOMERSTOTALKARE Forklifter Ramp System is the most flexible, easy and safety conscious method of raising forklift trucks in order to carry out inspections, servicing and repairs.


The traditional methods employed in the servicing of Forklift trucks have always involved a jack and wooden blocks to hold the truck at a height allowing the engineer to work on the vehicle. This method has its inherent Health and Safety risks with the incorrect setting of the blocks causing unstable forklifts to drop with potential life threatening injuries and also the fact that the engineer more often than not ends up working at an unsuitable height on the forklift often on the floor of the workshop also brings its own welfare issues.

According to James Radford, Sales and Marketing Director at SOMERSTOTALKARE: “When using the traditional method of jacks and blocks in the vast majority of cases, when the operation is carried out properly, there is minimum risk,” he explained.

“However, when engineers are under pressure there is always the temptation to take short cuts or to have a quick look underneath the truck before supporting blocks have been put in place.

“The fact that blocks need to be used at all reflects the fact that using a jack is an inherently unstable method of lifting a vehicle.”

With the SOMERSTOTALKARE Forklifter Ramp System the forklift can simply be driven on to the ramp and lifted via the mobile column lifts and adaptor supplied with the system. This provides a reduced set up time for all work to be carried out meaning that operations become more efficient saving you time and money. More importantly it reduces the Health and Safety risks associated with incorrectly set jacks or blocks and the ability to raise or lower the forklift to the correct height at a touch of button staff no longer have to work in constraining positions on the floor around the forklift.

The Forklifter Ramp System is entirely flexible and mobile allowing it to be moved around the workshop if needed which further removes the need for costly inspection pits and fixed position ramp and when used with the SOMERSTOTALKARE cable free lifts a lack of interconnecting cables further reduces all risks of tripping and personal injury associated with cables in workshops.


Tristan Johnston

Tel: 0121 585 2724


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