A new release of LocateIT WMS will be available from Clydebuilt Business Solutions Ltd in the coming weeks. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, Clydebuilt has taken feedback from existing users of the system and made changes that reflect the needs of the diverse customer base.

Clydebuilt_variations_redIncluding some visual changes to the main screens in LocateIT the new release focuses on simplifying the Goods In process, as complete accuracy at this stage also means that all subsequent warehouse functions follow easily, and are more manageable and traceable.

The system is suitable for both raw materials and finished product warehouses and enables users to serve a multichannel distribution network.

LocateIT can manage bulk, pallet and pick and pack operations concurrently, automatically updating the correct delivery channel and producing the correct despatch labelling and paperwork. With tried and tested integrations into most back office systems, LocateIT can provide a capable Best of Breed solution for manufacturers, giving more functionality than standard inventory management.

BBE date, batch management and track and trace ability is inbuilt, meaning that a complete audit trail is compiled with every transaction. This level of detail is great for 3PL’s, giving confidence that the right quantity of product will be picked at the right time, with the intelligence of the system dictating the most efficient and profitable way of doing so. The background changes in place for this new release make the system even more flexible and functional, especially when dealing with high volumes of orders.

Clydebuilt Business Solutions Ltd


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