Leaders have the authority and power to instruct subordinates to do as they ask always assuming that the instruction is lawful. Regrettably many leaders believe that that is sufficient to run a successful business – well it isn’t.

Hugh-BillotLook at the Prime Minister. He can’t do many of the things he would like to do because, while he has the authority, he does not have the power as he leads a Coalition Government and needs the support of the Liberal Democrats. It is exactly the same in business. While there is no coalition, subordinate staff may defy the leader. An extreme example would be staff going on strike. However,  less extreme but possibly stronger opposition would come from managers regularly rejecting the instructions of the leader on the basis of plausible points of view. Why would this happen? Well there may be a number of reasons, but perhaps the most important is a lack of respect.

Respect is something that has to be earned and where that occurs it is likely that leadership will be extremely effective and the business very successful. So what can leaders do to earn respect? Well quite a few things, for example: be a great planner, look ahead to convince subordinates that there is a real future and the future is bright. Give credit where credit is due and praise staff who do well on small activities as well as major ones; also and very importantly remember the ‘4Ps’, ‘praise in public, punish in private’. Don’t overreact with a knee-jerk reaction when things go wrong, which they do from time to time, think through the response you want to make and try and put some positivity into it. Admit your own mistakes but don’t forget to learn from them as that will not only avoid a repetition but will enhance your reputation and respect. Keep your promises and if it comes to reward systems, never change the goal posts ‘mid-term’ otherwise respect may turn to disgust and productivity may fall markedly. Finally remember that you are only as good as your team. The team will bring complementary skills as well as skills you as the leader do not possess but need, so nurture, motivate and respect the wishes of your team if you wish to gain and retain their respect and run a successful business.

Dr Hugh Billot, Deputy Chairman

HR GO Group of Recruitment Companies

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