With high numbers of logistics professionals visiting its two stands throughout the four days of the show, RediGroup regards the recent IMHX 2013 as “a resounding success.”
Kathy Ayre, RediGroup marketing manager, comments: “There was a real ‘feel good’ factor about the show. We were impressed not only by the quantity but also by the quality of the people that we saw during the event. People clearly came to IMHX to do business.”
RediGroup presented its full range of turnkey and stand-alone handling and storage solutions – including the award winning automated pallet storage and retrieval system, RediLogX, offered by RediGroup’s RediTechniX division.
Tony King, RediTechniX commercial manager, commented: “Visitor interest in the RediLogX system was hugely encouraging. Visitors were clearly aware of the product and wanted to see what it could do for their particular storage facility.”
In addition to the RediLogX system, the products and services offered by the Group’s RediRack, RediFloor, RediBuild and RediFit divisions were highlighted.
RediGroup also managed to combine work with play when, on the Thursday evening of the show, visitors were able to put on their party hats and sunglasses and enjoy a ‘Blues Brothers’ tribute band while tucking in to cider and sausages on the RediGroup stand.
“It was great to see so many customers and potential customers staying behind to join in the fun of our Blues Brothers evening,” says Kathy Ayre. “The party atmosphere reflected the way everyone was feeling after a great show.”
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