Logistex is a leading independent logistics integrator and software developer with an enviable track record in designing, developing and installing materials handling systems going back more than 50 years. With no manufacturing ties the company is able to provide unbiased and objective guidance and selection of the most suitable, best in class equipment and systems worldwide.


The company continues to manage software research and development in-house, reflecting its strong systems legacy and recognizing the need to maintain complete control and management over the core vital function of any modern warehouse environment. Recent developments include its LWS Reflex warehouse management and control software, which delivers an unmatched combination of low-cost entry and easy access to pre-installed features that could last a lifetime as the client’s business grows and evolves.

As well as full repair, maintenance and service facilities – including site-based technical teams where required – Logistex is increasingly carrying out major refurbishments and upgrades, adding improved performance and extended life to existing systems, at a fraction of the cost of replacement.

Derek Kay, Business Development Director, Logistex spoke to Warehouse & Logistics News.

Warehouse & Logistics News – First of all, Derek, can you run through the different products and services that Logistex provides?

Logistex’s business falls into four main categories, Integrated Warehouse Solutions, Warehouse Management Software, Engineering Support Services and 24/7 Customer support. All these  of course overlap and are personalised to each client’s specific requirements. Our core expertise lies in designing, developing and delivering integrated warehouse solutions, from manual up to fully automated systems. We review material flow and future plans then design and deliver complete solutions to meet and exceed client requirements.

Our LWS Reflex WMS has a strong heritage, whilst benefiting from a continuous development programme. Our product development is influenced by the installed base through our regular user group forums. This feedback means we’re ahead of the game and reduces the need for customised solutions.

Our Engineering Support Services provide independent maintenance and refurbishment capability for any electro mechanical equipment in the warehouse. From bay doors right through to complete automated solutions Logistex has the ability to maintain and service the equipment regardless of supplier.

In Customer support we provide a comprehensive lifetime repair, parts and maintenance service to ensure that users get the maximum value and performance from their equipment. With major capital investment hard to justify, more and more clients are taking advantage of refurbishment and upgrades, providing improved performance and long-term reliability at a fraction of the cost of new.

WLN – As Business Development Director, what is your role in the company day to day? Are you directly involved in developing solutions for customers?

In a sector where every project is different it’s vital that as Business Development Director I keep in touch with the market and each client’s needs, both through our team of solution designers responsible for detailed planning and where possible through direct contact with the client. My background is in software development and I’ve been personally involved in solutions design throughout my 21 years with Logistex.

WLN – When was Logistex founded? Who owns it now?

Logistex history goes back to the 1920s when it started as Cleco. The company is fully independent and owned by its senior management, which means we are totally and personally committed to the long-term success of the business.


WLN – How do you sum up the Logistex proposition?

We offer a collaborative approach using detailed analyses of the various options available to help us identify the most suitable solution, configuration and equipment. This ensures we not only provide the most appropriate solution for the client’s needs, both today and tomorrow, but we recognise that ultimately it is a matter of ensuring the investment is sound. We provide a detailed ROI evaluation for each proposal and any viable alternatives, so the client’s decision-making team is able to understand the impact the investment will make on the wider business and ultimately the bottom line.

WLN – So are you an integrator, a WMS software provider or a service company?

We’re all of the above. We are an independent, UK owned and based Warehouse Solutions provider. We provide a complete service from design right through to lifecycle support and we still support customers who have been running our solutions for over 20 years.

WLN – What sets Logistex apart? Why buy a warehouse management solution from you?

The fact that we are independent and free from any manufacturing ties gives any potential client the assurance that we can select the most suitable equipment and systems for the task. Our technical team comprises experienced staff with a variety of backgrounds, who are able to provide an insider’s view of each and every aspect of the various technologies available, equipped to make the right choice for the client. And with more than 50 years’ experience, there are few other companies that can draw on such a powerful and valuable legacy of knowledge and expertise.

WLN – How does your WMS differ from others on the market?

Presently the WMS buzzwords are Cloud and SaaS, often used interchangeably. LWS Reflex is available as a one off capital purchase, a cost effective lease purchase or as a traditional SaaS rental. Although it can deploy a cloud solution, Reflex is normally deployed on the premises, which allows the super-fast response times required for automation control to be available for manual solutions too. LWS Reflex can run both manual and automated warehouses with the same solution so when the business grows to a level where automation becomes appropriate all you need to do is switch on the automation functionality, not change your whole WMS.

WLN – What about licensing? Don’t the per user costs become prohibitive as the operation grows?

LWS Reflex isn’t licensed per user, it’s licensed by site with unlimited users, so there is no financial penalty to growth.


WLN – How do you ensure consistency of service to your customers?

At Logistex we pride ourselves in having a great depth of knowledge in our workforce. Our customer support team includes many long service employees who’ve been with us over 20 years, and the average length of service within the software development team is over 10 years. To ensure we keep up to date with the latest advancements in warehouse technology we provide regular training and are always looking out for new ideas. With that sort of depth of experience we know we can provide the best possible service to our customers.

WLN – What new products and developments will you be showing at IMHX?

Our Warehouse Demonstration suite will strongly feature recent software developments designed to deliver long-term, flexible and cost -effective IT technology to the smaller business, as well as to more established companies.

LWS Reflex warehouse management and control software delivers an unmatched combination of low-cost entry and easy access to pre-installed features that could last a lifetime. An intelligent, scalable, real time and flexible system, LWS Reflex works with any operation, from manual handling up to a fully automated storage and order picking facility, it bridges the gap between the commercial system and the warehouse operation.

Complementing LWS Reflex, LWS Analytex provides full operational warehouse data on-screen in graphic, easy-to-read detail. Enhanced features help provide users with unmatched levels of warehouse data control and management, providing all the information needed for continuous improvements in service and productivity.


WLN – What else is new at IMHX?

We’ll be strongly promoting our Engineering Support offering. We had a lot of success in 2012 winning long-term service contracts and beating off our competition through the combination of demonstrable expertise and value for money. We have a UK-wide field service engineering team supporting our existing customer base, and we are continuing to expand this through 2013. Anyone who feels their current maintenance operation could be improved should come and talk to us.

WLN – How important are shows like IMHX to your company and its strategy?

A major show like IMHX is an integral part of our long-term marketing strategy and provides a great opportunity to meet clients, prospects and our many colleagues and partners in the industry. In addition we are currently upgrading our website and implementing an extensive advertising and PR programme to make sure we effectively communicate who we are and the services we provide.

WLN – The big question: why should a busy professional from the logistics industry take a day out of the office to visit your stand?

We will be using a comprehensive Order fulfilment and Warehouse Systems Demonstration suite at the show so that visitors can have a hands-on experience of the complete supply chain process from order right through to despatch.

Fully equipped with a web shop linked to Logistex’s comprehensive Warehouse Management System LWS Reflex and working examples of RF equipment, visitors will be able place an order and follow it through the warehouse operation from receipt, replenishment, picking, packing and despatch.

Shelved racking and tote bins, hand-held RF terminals and despatch label printers, receiving and dispatch equipment will create a realistic warehouse environment for bulk handling, put-away, picking, packing and dispatch replicating a full door to door process.

WLN – With the greater emphasis on online shopping, what special features do your solutions have?

We are very much aware of the growing importance of eTailing and its effect on the logistics sector. We recently completed a project to help Jamie Oliver‘s on line business Jamie at Home with our new LWS Reflex software. The system has been set up to manage their current manual process and bonded warehouse operation, but it has the in-built flexibility and functionality to grow and manage an automated handling system as and when required.

A big saving for them is that the complete daily workload is immediately available for release to the mobile terminals, a task which formerly took most of the morning to collate – both more efficient and as a paperless system, more environmentally responsible.

LogistexlogoWLN – Looking at the wider picture, what do you see as the biggest pressures on users of warehouse solutions?

Any company in the logistics industry will recognize the need to constantly improve performance and throughput, raise standards of service – while controlling or reducing costs! Furthermore, the future is far from predictable, with factors such as the rise of the Internet, fuel costs and the state of the world economy risk throwing even the best laid plans off course.

Selecting systems and software that provide the maximum flexibility and cost control are therefore going to continue to be key components in any decision, so that companies can adapt and adjust to sudden changes in their environment.

WLN – Finally, where do you see the UK materials handling market and Logistex going from here?

The materials handling market is a resilient, competitive, innovative and client-focused sector that continues to ensure that UK PLC enjoys some of the most advanced systems and technologies available anywhere. Enjoying strong, long-term partnerships with some of the country’s leading companies including B&Q, BT, Coca Cola, DHL, Wincanton, Kimberly Clark, arco and Wolseley, we have a strong and stable business and are confident we have the total package of services that such businesses will continue to seek.

Tel: 01536 480600

email: enquiries@logistex.com   


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