Welcome to the November 15 Warehouse & Logistics News. It’s too early to tell the impact Barack Obama’s re-election as US President will have on British industry, and hence the warehousing and logistics sector. With our economy slowly recovering, this would be a bad time for our most important export market to shrink in the wake of US public spending cuts, but for now it’s business as usual.

To help you make the best of your business performance, in this issue we have features on Buildings & Facilities, The Loading Bay and Power sources. Buildings & Facilities looks at main structures and key equipment, including temporary structures. ‘The Loading Bay’ includes industrial doors, dock levellers and dock lifts. ’Power Sources’ explores motive power in the warehouse and logistics environment, including batteries, LPG and engines.

Winds blowing across the Atlantic will affect our economy. Here the wind is directly affecting the future of wooden pallets, so crucial in materials handling operations, by spreading ash tree die back disease across the UK. The Chalara fungus has wiped out 90 per cent of ash trees in parts of Denmark and is becoming widespread throughout central Europe. Its spread to Britain adds to the urgency for everyone using pallets to do their bit to prevent the movement of untreated timber pallets and other wooden packaging materials contributing to the worldwide spread of plant diseases.

In this issue Mark Springham, Director of Inka Presswood Pallets, explains how Inka can offer assistance to everyone involved with moving goods on pallets here, throughout the EU and worldwide, when the new EU995/2010 timber regulations come into force in March, likely to be followed by further restrictions in movement of timber pallets across borders within Europe.

Inka Presswood Pallets has been in business for over 25 years as UK distributor of the Presswood pallet, made in a patented process involving intense heat and pressure from recycled wood, comprising ex-construction timber, waste wood and old timber pallets. Inka’s Presswood Pallets and EUROBLOCK pressed wood composite blocks, which they supply to timber pallet manufacturers, comply with the EU995/2010 timber regulations. They are also exempt from the ISPM15 regulations, which prevent the global spread of plant diseases and pests linked with international movements of wooden packaging. Under ISPM15, raw timber must be specially heat-treated before use in production of pallets for export, but users of Inka Presswood Pallets and pallets made with EUROBLOCK can simply take the next pallet off the stack.

Finally, look out for our next issue, December 15, which includes our Review of The Year 2012. Make sure you get your copy!

Warehouse & Logistics News

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