Belgravium Ltd, the designer and supplier of computing solutions and services to the warehouse & logistics market, secures upgrade contract with leading online and home catalogue shopping company, Express Gifts. The contract, which involves the design and manufacture of Belgravium’s new to market Atlanta 5000 handheld terminal, will be used to enhance picking operations within Express Gifts Accrington distribution facility.
Part of Findel PLC, Express Gifts sells greeting cards, gifts, home and garden items through its Studio and Ace catalogues. As the largest company in the division, they provide a personal shopping service to around 1.5 million customers each year through multiple channels, including: catalogue, internet and face to face.
The distribution and handling of the smaller items under the Express Gifts brand is currently managed via an automated collation warehouse in Accrington. The facility currently handles over half a million items per day, where state of the art distribution facilities are critical in ensuring that Express Gifts maintain efficient and effective management of their operations.
Express recently took the decision to upgrade their existing barcode technology with the latest generation of mobile hardware from Belgravium. Belgravium have now been key suppliers of mobile computing solutions to Express Gifts since 2006. The upgraded system not only involves the implementation of Belgravium ultra-rugged mobile hardware, but also incorporates Belgravium’s all-inclusive managed service and support package.
Upgraded Solution
The enhanced solution is set to boost efficiency within the Accrington operation with faster, more reliable and accurate capture of “real time” data within their parcel dispatch operation. Based around Belgravium’s Atlanta 5000 series mobile computing hardware, the upgraded solution will equip Express Gifts with the latest rugged mobile computing, processing and scanning technologies.
Ian McWhirter, Systems Manager at Express Gifts comments, “We’re proud of the efficient way in which our warehouse operates. The upgraded solution will enhance our parcel dispatch operation enabling us to achieve even greater visibility, transparency and control.”
Belgravium Ltd
Karen Taylor – Marketing Executive
Tel: 01274 741860
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