CI Logistics is looking to further increase its overseas business by appointing distributors in worldwide territories for its comprehensive range of materials handling equipment.

Gary Bale, managing director of CI Logistics, comments, “Whilst our core business in the home market continues to thrive through our established field sales force, there is a growing interest in our ranges outside the UK. In recent years our overseas sales have been gaining momentum through the good partnerships we have already established in Scandinavia, North America and the Middle East.

“As part of our ongoing strategy to penetrate new markets we are now actively seeking distributors to expand our international operations. Ideally our overseas partners will already be involved in the materials handling market and will share our passion for quality products which have been designed by engineers for high performance and reliability.”

In Scandinavia CI Logistics has a successful partnership with Movitec AS. Located in Norway, Movitec is a conveyor company which supplies a variety of complex installations working primarily in the woodworking and furniture industry. The business has been purchasing power and free overhead conveyors from CI Logistics for the last decade.

Once ordered, the overhead conveyors are shipped in component form to Movitec. The company then use the components to build turnkey installations for its customers.

The latest contract, a £150,000 order to extend an existing overhead conveyor installation in a woodworking facility, recently landed in Norway. “Over the years we have built a really positive relationship with Movitec,” concludes Bale. “It’s an association that works well for both parties and one we would like to replicate with new distributors in other parts of the world.”

CI Logistics

Tel: 0116 276 1691

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