Spar UK MD, Debbie Robinson, enjoyed a personal tour of Oakland International’s newest green energy installation, Photovoltaic Solar Panels, part of a much larger programme of carbon reduction currently underway at the firm. This is set to deliver significant benefits across the board for the specialist supply chain operator, its suppliers and retail partners.

Spar UK MD Debbie Robinson stated: “This is a fabulous opportunity to view firsthand how effective sustainable projects can be! It is essential for any distribution partner to evaluate their effect on the environment, and where possible, implement green alternatives to influence a sustainable supply chain solution from production through to final store delivery.”

Oakland International has been investing in renewable green technology, including installing a sustainable reed bed sewage system and on-site sewage treatment plant (which uses less energy than conventional sewage treatment methods). Investment in energy efficient chillers to its warehousing facilities, together with replacing energy rich lighting systems with LEDs and substituting existing heating appliances with energy efficient radiators, have all delivered significant energy savings.

This will contribute to Oakland International’s goal of becoming a fully carbon neutral business by 2014. Other major projects planned include a roll-out of more solar panels, a wind turbine and biomass.

Kath Turner, Oakland International’s Renewable Project Coordinator said: “We are impressed with the energy savings to date. After 26 days of generating electricity, the solar panels had produced enough energy to run all on-site lighting at our Redditch depot for approximately 19 days, which is fantastic.”

The system is projected to generate at least 39,320 kWh/year of energy, making a significant impact on the company’s overall energy consumption, and projected to reduce carbon output per year by approximately 20,800kgCO2/yr. Subject to an initial assessment with this current 50kW system, Oakland is also evaluating a roll-out to a further 150kW system towards the end of 2012.

The Midlands based multi temperature supply chain and logistics specialist delivers ambient, chilled and frozen food products to retailers, wholesalers, and convenience and food service outlets across the UK and Ireland. Oakland International’s ongoing investment in renewable technologies continues to produce reductions to its overall environmental impact and that of its customers, despite the company having more than doubled in size and operational scale over recent years.

Oakland International MD, Dean Attwell, stated: “It was a great privilege to welcome Debbie Robinson to our Redditch depot and to share with her our energy reduction plans for the future.

“Working to develop our environmental credentials through alternative sources of power will help both Oakland International and our stakeholders as we all work to reduce our supply chain carbon footprint. With so many projects still at the development stage, including the purchase an electric car and having recently received approval as a public charging access point under the Midlands Plugged in Places scheme, we certainly had much to discuss!”

Oakland International Limited

UK: 01527 596 222

Ireland: +353 (0) 1835 4855


twitter: @OaklandIntUK

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