Organisations, large or small, are likely to be facing stern challenges as fears of another global recession grow. But where there are threats there are opportunities and these should be seized upon. Business continues to be done: some oil and energy companies are making record profits; some supermarkets are expanding; the green economy promises 200,000 new jobs and the government is now talking about directly supporting SMEs with the finance they need to grow and funding major infrastructure projects. Remember not all is doom or gloom. There are opportunities both in the market place and inside the organisation.

Have a think about the following actions to improve performance. Continue to secure supplier discounts as competition is currently immense and it is the time to test supplier loyalty and commitment. Secure a cost saving approach from all your employees in any form such as recycling paper through printers and photocopiers for internal consumption; printing on both sides; negotiate deals when using hotels; reduce power costs by turning off machinery overnight; avoid waste at all costs: email instead of posting; turn lights and heating off when not needed; and be a scrooge when it comes to ordering supplies. Help make employees more productive by working with employees to change practices which damage business success; ensure business hours reflect customer needs; and introduce continuous improvement programmes for all employees or teams of employees with the aim of improving quality output every week.

Keep the glass half full mentality. Encourage ‘positiveness’ among all your employees and especially those front line people who interface with customers (negative employees will surely make the organisation suffer!).Keep your business plan dynamic and don’t be hesitant in sharing it with your bankers to ensure they continue their financial commitment to you. Keep employees motivated: communicate well and often, good and bad news; seek ideas and reward the best if you want; ask employees to do more (if you don’t ask you don’t get); leverage reward systems to promote performance and recognize achievement. Ensure that you have good management in place and make sure that their staff have the relevant knowledge and skills to work competently to produce consistently high levels of performance.

We can help all those businesses facing tough times from the provision of both temporary or permanent staff to HR advice and effective and high quality training. Call us and we will find the solution to your problem

Dr Hugh Billot

Director HR GO (Recruitment) Limited

HR GO Recruitment offers solutions to all your staffing needs, temporary and permanent, please call 0845 130 7000

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