Bids are hereby invited for the design, construction and maintenance of a system for the storage and automatic mechanical retrieval of stored items of medicines and medical equipment and the maintenance of a cooling chain in the new Logistics Center of Clalit Health Services, currently being set up in the Industrial Zone at Shoham, Israel.
Further details regarding the Tender can be found on the website of Clalit, at: NR/rdonlyres/EBC5DE58-FCC4-4096-85E2-EACD0642F6B1/0/ 153EN.pdf
Participation in the Tender is conditional upon compliance with threshold conditions set in the Tender.
A full copy of the Tender Documents will be available from November 1, 2011 until November 30, 2011 (inclusive) as set out in the Tender Document.
The submission of Bids in the Tender shall be in the manner and at the location set out in the Tender Documents, by January 26, 2012 (inclusive) at 12:00 pm.
Clalit Health Services
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