Cognex Corporation (NASDAQ: CGNX) has announced Cognex Connect™ for DataMan® ID readers. Cognex Connect is a comprehensive suite of communication capabilities including EtherNet/IP and PROFINET, and is already available with In-Sight® vision systems and the DataMan 200 fixed-mount ID reader series. Now Cognex Connect enables industrial protocol connectivity for Cognex DataMan 8000 ID readers through EtherNet/IP support – a first for an industrial handheld ID reader.

By supporting open standard industrial Ethernet communications protocols, Cognex Connect makes it easy to configure and monitor a network of Cognex ID readers and vision systems. As a network device, DataMan and In-Sight devices can be accessed from any terminal connected to the network. This means that no host PC is required to translate RS-232 or USB communications to a PLC or central network. The protocols also allow for data files and images to be archived directly through FTP support for later review and analysis. DataMan ID readers also offer a .NET based command library for customising user-specific GUIs and terminal interfaces as well as providing control via a simple command line interface.

“By adding industrial protocols, the DataMan 8000 series is the first and only handheld ID reader to allow a direct connection to a PLC -acting as a node on the factory network,“ said Carl Gerst, Business Unit Manager for ID Products at Cognex. “DataMan readers with Cognex Connect completely eliminate the need for a PC and simplify the integration into the factory network, reducing costs and downtime.”

The Cognex Connect suite of communication capabilities is supported on the DataMan 200 series of fixed-mount readers, the DataMan 8000 series of handheld readers and on all Cognex In-Sight vision system models.

Cognex Corporation

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