With phone-hacking, political skulduggery and court cases over MPs’ inflated expenses dominating the news headlines, the Automated Material Handling Systems Association (AMHSA) has taken the opportunity to show that its own house is very much in order.

As the voice of the UK’s automated handling sector, AMHSA has implemented a brand-new code of practice, drawn up by its 48 members, to ensure the highest standards of business integrity. The 9-point code covers all areas of conduct, from compliance with relevant legislation, through commitment to staff training, to declaration of conflicts of interest.

Commented Graham Watts, AMHSA Secretary, “Our members have shown the highest standards of integrity throughout the association’s 25-year history, but we felt it was appropriate to codify our objectives and standards in a formal way, to give a sense of security to prospective clients and to cement the commitment of our members to honesty and decency in the promotion of safe, reliable and economic material handling systems.”

Under the new code, members of AMHSA are committed to maintaining a high standard of integrity in all working relationships; fostering the highest possible competence and expertise; complying with both the letter and spirit of the appropriate legislation; discharging any obligations to which they have agreed; rejecting working practices which might reasonably be deemed improper; ensuring the availability of appropriate training for staff; raising their own standards of professional competence by taking advantage of any training that may be made available; declaring any interest that may conflict with impartiality in contractual matters; and not divulging any confidential information which may be received in the course of negotiations or seeking to use such information to their advantage.

Automated Material Handling Systems Association

Graham Watts, AMHSA Secretary

Tel: 0116 259 8518

Email: secretary@amhsa.co.uk

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