Dematic’s new cutting-edge Customer and Technology Center (TechCenter) is now open at its headquarters in Offenbach, Germany for customers to see and try out material flow solutions.
Dematic’s TechCenter, which was was officially opened on 10th June 2010 in front of 200 invited guests from the worlds of logistics, economics and politics, features a complete multifunctional installation built on two levels to demontrate efficient material flow and numerous new products from the solutions specialist.
Integrated into its 14,000 square metre production facility, Dematic can use the complete installation to help drive new developments as well as demonstrate typical, business critical material flow scenarios to customers. The installation itself has been designed to allow continuous material flows from goods storage via sequenced picking, price marking, order consolidation and buffering, right through to either fully or semi-automated palletising and then conveying the shipments to a goods outwards point. Different system combinations can be simulated to meet different customer requirements and scenarios, using various containers such as bins, trays or cardboard boxes.
Speaking during the TechCenter’s opening, Uwe Geissinger, CEO of Dematic said: “With this new Customer and Technology Center we have implemented a concept that is unique in Europe for allying production and customer-oriented transparency. The TechCenter is dedicated to the research and development of economical and environmentally compatible solutions. Also, together with customers we can conduct live trials with state-of-the-art automation solutions and fine-tune them to the precise requirements of those customers.”
Alongside Uwe Geissinger at the ribbon cutting was Offenbach’s Lord Mayor, Horst Schneider, who emphasised the significance of the TechCenter for the Dematic Group and welcomed its establishment in Offenbach as “a clearly positive signal for the location”.
The TechCenter’s opening ceremony was just part of a day that included a high-level logistics congress featuring speakers from both academia and business. Dematic now intends to hold this event on an annual basis at the facility. Guests were able to learn first hand about current trends in the field of material flow from specialists including Prof. Dr. Ten Hompel from Germany’s Fraunhofer Institut. Visitors also listened attentively while logistics experts from the food wholesale and food production sectors had a spirited discussion on just how much automation is needed to achieve efficient solutions. The day was rounded off with a fascinating examination of the rebranding of logistics by consultant, lecturer and entrepreneur Sebastian Gruetz. Finally, at the gala dinner, Wolfgang Matis, Head of Global Markets, Deutsche Bank gave an insightful pre-dinner briefing on economic trends and consequences of global markets.
A satisfied Uwe Geissinger said the event was “a successful opening that reaffrirmed our goals of making the TechCenter a focal point dedicated to encouraging dialog and an exchange of information with our customers”.
Dematic Ltd
Angela Freke
Tel: 01295 274624
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