s6300507Horizon Pallet Management is a brand new name in pallet management, but Vincent Poulton, the man behind the company, has over 16 years’ experience with Cadbury’s as Equipment Control Manager.

Based in Renishaw, Sheffield, Horizon Pallet Management offers logistics and distribution managers a personal service providing expert knowledge with regards to controlling and managing your pallet pool. Horizon Pallet Management’s aim is to reduce your pallet losses, regain control, save your company money and “Make the pallet work for you.”

“Pallets are a costly part of any business when not managed correctly,” says Vincent Poulton, “and in the current economic climate more and more companies are counting the pennies, as well as the pounds. It adds to the need for Horizon’s professional expertise.”

Most companies struggle with their pallet management, and have little concept of the risk they are exposed to in terms of lost chargers or overpaid accounts, which is where Horizon Pallet Management can help. Pallet control, with all its complexities, can be frustrating, and trying to understand the maze of jargon makes it even harder to understand and manage.

Used globally throughout the supply chain, the pallet is “one of life’s necessary evils yet possibly the most important ingredient you will ever use,” in Vincent Poulton’s words. “The common perception is, it’s just a piece of wood and I’m not paying for it. The reality is and that your business is already paying for your pallets, and it’s affecting your profits.”

Lost pallet charges, plus associated costs, can be as much as £15 to £20 per pallet, Vincent points out. Because pallets are not the core activity of the business, they are seen in most businesses as a low priority: “Some businesses are still using the false economy of trying to understand and manage pallets with inexperienced staff. It’s not uncommon for business just to pay their pallet invoice without validating the activity charged for.”

Validation and understanding are the key elements in managing your pallet pool and reducing your pallet budget. An efficient controlled pallet pool can assist in a reduction of pallet and distribution costs.

company-logo-transparentSo, do you know if your company is losing pallets? Is your company prepared for a lost equipment charge from your pallet provider? Horizon Pallet Management can help your business whilst you concentrate on its core activity. Vincent continues:

“We offer a complete review of your businesses pallet operation, identifying the best working practises and the most cost-effective solution for you. Our service offering also provides in-house support and training empowering your staff to maintain overall control of your pallets with alternative options available for discussion.

“We are in it for the long term, and offer support and guidance when required not just during our time with your business. We can assist your business on a short, medium or long term basis, leaving you to concentrate on your businesses core activity so for further information and to discuss your requirement please get in touch.”

Horizon Pallet Management

Vincent Poulton

Mobile: 07824 468411

Email: VincentPoulton@horizonpalletmanagement.co.uk


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