chaz3Welcome to the 1 March Warehouse & Logistics News. Officially Britain’s economy is no longer in recession, according to the latest figures. The patient is clear of disease, but still very weak. Should it be out of hospital? Or can we expect a sudden relapse?

At least the warehouse and logistics sector is as slimmed down as it can get, and is in good shape for the recovery that surely must come, one of these days. In this issue we’ve three features to help keep your business healthy while the recovery takes effect. Our Batteries Report covers batteries, battery charging and changing systems: Industrial Property takes a look at the latest developments in the logistics property market: and our third feature, Lifting Gear & Cranes, covers everything from scissor lifts to heavy duty cranes.

There’s no escaping it, things are still pretty serious in the UK economy. The stats that had people saying the recession is over, point to growth of just 0.1% in October/December, and there may well be more negative figures round the corner. If the next GDP figures from the ONS are bad, we really could be on the downwards slope in the middle of a ‘W’,’ after all, with a long climb back to prosperity ahead of us.

What’s certain is, we’ve had economic contraction six quarters in a row, the most prolonged recession since figures began 50 years ago. The UK is the world’s last big economy to start recovering, and it feels like it. Unemployment has been falling, but order books aren’t exactly bulging.

Going back to our medical metaphor, if there is a post-operation infection lurking in the economy’s sickbay, it’s inflation, with its debilitating effect on any growth and increased confidence from whatever recovery there has been so far. UK inflation hit 3.5% in January – the worst for over a year – from 2.9% in December, driven by VAT going back to 17.5% and petrol increases.

Enough gloom, let’s be positive. The mornings are lighter and the days are longer. Spring is on the way. There’s less ice on the windscreen: now it’s time to de-ice the economy. Looking on the bright side, interest rates are staying low: if you have money in the coffers for acquisitions and are feeling inspired, there are bargains out there. Have a good March, and stay healthy – in every sense!

Happy reading.

Warehouse & Logistics News

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