There’s nothing like a heavy snowfall, as experienced by most of the UK recently, to make you feel totally unprepared and vulnerable to whatever the weather can throw at you. And while it’s pretty to look at initially, after a few days of blocked roads, icy paths and broken bones caused by untreated surfaces the snow can be a complete headache.
Light snowfalls and ice can be treated by salt and grit spreading, but what are your options when the snow lies up to 40cm deep, as was reported in more than one place in the UK in December 2009? Shovelling snow is a back-breaking task and exposes you to the risk of slipping and injuring yourself in the process, while for most people a snow blower is probably overkill.
The versatile and effective BroomEx power broom may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to snow clearance, but now that the snow blade option has been introduced you might want to think again. With tool-free attachment the steel blade simply drops onto the front of the BroomEx to clear snowfalls of up to 6” / 150mm deep, and comes in a choice of working widths from 0.8 to 1.2m. Local authorities and estate managers will be interested to learn that the blade can be angled left or right, to clear ploughed snow from the path or road and enabling grit or salt to be spread onto cleared ground, making the melt material far more effective and reducing wastage and costs.
BroomEx’s powerful twin rear-wheel drive keeps the unit moving effortlessly at your own pace, while optional snow chains are also available when the going gets really tough, for maximum traction. Contact Broadwood International for more information, and make sure you’re well prepared for the next snowfall!
Broadwood International
Tel: 01420 478111
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