fire-exit-hatch.jpgThe UK’s leading provider of floor marking solutions presented their latest offering at the Logistics Link Live event recently with a product to help identify and resolve a common problem for most businesses. The Fire Exit Panel is a self-adhesive product intended for use by all types of business but with a warehouse and distribution centre focus. They are designed using anti-slip materials for safety reasons helping make them durable, versatile and easy to install. The Fire Exit Panels are intended to help companies mark areas which are difficult to keep clear, and which are usually expensive and tricky to identify using alternative means. By placing the panel on the floor in front of a fire exit, the area becomes clear of obstruction and more visible during times of need.

Duncan McAvady, Project Manager and creator of the Fire Exit Panel at ASG Services Ltd said: “We’re typically asked to quote most floor marking projects using our paint systems, but for small areas it is often not cost-effective and not the best solution for the customer.” Duncan went on to say “Paint is the most common method used followed by floor marking tape, but as most people know, tape isn’t the most durable product, and neither is paint if the surface is not properly prepared and preparation can be expensive in small amounts.”

The panels are manufactured from a durable anti-slip material using a high strength adhesive to adhere to the floor.  They are supplied in singles at a standard size of 1m x 1m, but it is possible to achieve any size and design if required. The Fire Exit Panels are positioned in front of fire exit doors, which invariably become choked by pallets and boxes, and when the Health & Safety Inspector pays a surprise visit it is usually the bone of contention. The product is versatile and with alternative designs possible ASG Services intend to release several variants as standard designs shortly.

ASG provide various products with anti slip properties specifically for pedestrian safety in working environments, “Having developed a successful online store in 2007 we’ve taken orders from all types of companies from nuclear containment facilities to the local wine merchant, but our focus remains firmly on warehousing and distribution, big and small. It’s the sector where we find the most demand and obscure requirements,” said Tony Gresty, Managing Director at ASG Services Ltd.

The panels are a simple but highly effective means of quickly identifying an area. They can be installed by anyone in the operation and resolve a common problem within minutes.

ASG Services provide instructions on how to prepare the surface prior to installation as well as applying the product to the floor. In keeping with ASG Services’ offerings, those working on large projects can also request a quotation for the installation which makes life even easier.

For more information on the panels or to purchase your first, visit ASG Services’ Online Store or call 01925 710923 and speak with our internal sales team.

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