To maintain safety in the loading bay, thorough examination of lifting equipment must be carried out in all cases, taking place every 12 months; or every 6 months when used to lift people, or for any lifting accessory. The examination intervals may differ, where there is a written scheme drawn up by a competent person, which may specify other intervals that may be shorter or exceptionally longer. If your service included the fitting of any new parts covered by LOLER then a thorough examination must also be carried out before use, according to the Association of Loading & Elevating Equipment Manufacturers (ALEM).

This article was first published in the June 15th 2024 issue of Warehouse & Logistics News, subscribe to the magazine by clicking here.

A new range of scissor lifts has been launched by Hörmann Transdek which are ideal for loading bay areas, especially in the retail sector where space can be restricted. The new range provides a fast, efficient, and safe way to load and unload trailers with bed heights up to 1590 mm. Suitable for serving vehicles at traditional docks or level access bays, Hörmann Transdek scissor lifts can also be used for moving goods between split levels in factories and warehouses.

With loading bays accounting for an estimated 25% of workplace accidents, according to ISHN, it’s crucial to invest in equipment and processes that lower the risk of slips, trips, or falls. By providing a smooth transition between vehicles and loading bays, dock levellers reduce the likelihood of forklifts or pallet trucks tipping over – or workers tripping as they climb on and off trucks. Additionally, dock levellers can be used in conjunction with other loading bay equipment such as vehicle restraints and dock lights, to provide a much safer workplace environment, according to Stertil.

The loading bay lies at the heart of every logistics operation. It’s a hub of fast-paced activity between people and vehicles, which is what makes it one of the most dangerous areas of a warehouse or factory in the first place. Companies can have particular difficulties recruiting and retaining new employees here, further exacerbating safety challenges, reveals Wouter Satijn, Sales Director, Joloda Hydraroll.

Noise in industrial and commercial workspaces can stem from a variety of sources: the operation of heavy machinery, the constant loading and unloading of goods and even the general hustle and bustle of human traffic in commercial spaces. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing impairments, elevated stress levels, and reduced worker efficiency. Roller shutters act as a barrier against noise, effectively dampening the passage of unwanted sounds both into and from business facilities, says BID Group.

With safety paramount in the loading bay, a thorough examination of equipment is essential.

George Simpson

Features Editor

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